Coming to Town

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Third person

"So you know where they are?"
"Of course I do!" Sharp teeth appeared in his fat smile. "Why wouldn't I?"
Warfstache pressed him fingers against his templates. This man was making him more and more insane. "Can you atleast show us where, exactly?"
The man with the white beard chuckled. "I can, my pink fellow." His voice was far too jolly for Wilford's tastes. He could smell peppermint mixed in with a rooten smeel. Probably blood or rotten flesh. Santa pulls up a large screen as Google and Warfstache stare blankly and blindly at the bright light.
"Let's see. Ah!" Santa points to a large building. "They are in a hotel right now." The picture changes, showing a young girl and the man they were looking for, sleeping right next the the girl.
"Beautiful! Now we can go get them." He turned around, only to be grabbed.
"That's not exactly what I planned, sir." The old man says.
Wilford rolled my eyes and groaned. "You are coming too."
He shakes his head, turning back to the screen. "He's there."
Wilford looked closer to see Darkiplier looking around, like he knew that we were watching. He laughed. "He's not the problem right now." The pink mangestured to the girl, wrapped up with bandages. "She's our problem and our solution." He walks back to the door. "Now! Let's get a move one before Dark realizes what we're doing!"

Dark's POV

It felt like someone was watching us. I looked around nervously, watching every movement. Then it hit me. They have him! And he's found us.
I jumped up and ran over to the bed where (your name) and Mark sleeped. I shook Mark until he jolted up.
"What?!" Mark says loudly, his hair a mess.
"They have him."
Mark looks at me blankly. "What? Who?"
I groaned. "Santa! And probably another person, but I'm not so sure."
Mark's eyes widened and looked down to (you name). He grabbed his glasses and tapped the girl in the shoulder. She grunted and woke up. "What now? Are you two fighting again?"
I chuckle. "No. Much worse."
She got up in a flash, staring at me. "Much worse?"
"Wilford and Santa are coming here." Mark answers.
(Your name) cussed under her breath. "I knew that I smelt peppermint."
I looked at her with confusion. "You what?"
She shook her head. "I had a dream that we were running. Then I started to smell a strong scent of peppermint, and something foul."
I looked outside. It was snowing harder now, white flakes pouring and flying around. And a scent of peppermint filled up the room.

Your POV

He was here already. We heard something clash down on the roof, catching all of us in surprise.
Damn it. I knew that I should have told them that we had to leave. After I came out of the pool, I just had a bad feeling about staying here for much longer.
Silence welcomed us before we got up, walking quietly out of the room. We had to get out as fast as possible, before we were caught.
We walked down the stairs, every step was nerve wrecking. We safely got to the main lobby, closing in outside. Mark was holding my hand as we walked and Dark was in front. His red eyes looked at me, he smiled.

But that smile faded as a gun shot went off. Darkiplier growled in pain as he held is side, black blood coming through his fingers.
"Trying to run away already?" A fimalier voice came ahead of us. Wilford stood there, his gun pointed at us with smoke coming out softly. She smirked like a mad man. "Why don't you just stay here and die already. Just give up. You're no match."
Mark pulled me behind me, glaring at the pink man.
I peeked over Mark's side, seeing a big red and white man walk over to Wilford's side. His white beard revealed who he was.
"Ah! Is that a kiddy I see behind you?" He smiled wide, a row of sharp teeth showing. "Don't be shy little girl. I'm only poor old Santa Clause."
I stared in fear. I couldn't move or look away. Its as if he was hypnotizing me, making me freeze. Wilford smiles wider and wider. "Now then, we also have another fellow that I would like you to meet." Before I could look around, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my chest, pulling me away from Mark. I looked up to see another version of Mark. A blue shirt with a glowing 'G'. His eyes were brown until he looked at me, then they glowed red. "This is Google."
Mark turns around and shouts. "Don't you dare!"
Google chuckles and grabs my cheeks. "But Markymoo. I thought that you loved to see pain." I start to feel something cut into my cheeks. Blood tickling down my face as Google held me in place.
Mark's eyes glared harder, like there was a burning flames in fire. "Give her back!"
Wilford pointed his golden gun at Mark, catching his attention. "Now now. We don't want to get too anger." Google moves me over to Warfstache and Santa. He removed his hands off of my face, holding me against his body. Wilford laughs to himself. "Now then. I'll give you a small opportunity, Mark. We are going to leave you here with Dark. And without (your name)."
Dark growls. "No way, buddy."
Wilford looks down at him, shooting his leg. Dark yelps and falls to the floor. "Anyways, you have approximately 24 hours to find us, and to get your precious demon back." The man chuckles "And if you don't, well-" he aims the gun towards my head. "She's gone forever."
Mark looks at me, anger and sadness filled his brown eyes. I stare back, wanted to say that I would be OK. "Your 24 hours starts now, Markiplier." A cloud of pink smoke covers my vision as I pass out.

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