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Mark's POV

We stood in front of the huge mansion. I turn my head to Dark.
"This the place?"
He nods and starts to walk to the door. "I know that this is it." He grabs the handle and pulls. The doors seemed heavy and haven't been opened for a while, a gust of wind and dust flew in our faces. When it calmed down, I uncovered my face and stared into the dark house. Its only been 20 hours. Hopefully they didn't do anything extreme to her. We're coming, (your name). Please be OK.

Wilford's POV

"They found us." Santa growls.
I look up to the large screen, seeing Mark and Dark walk into my place. "Damn." I look back to (your name), who's head was down. She was covered in claw marks and bruises. "Santa, I want you to keep an eye on her as we go solve this problem."
The fat man nods and stands behind the girl. Google stared at me as he smiled.
"Are we going to kill them?"
I chuckle. "Of course we will." I gesture over to the limp girl. "And then she's next."

Mark's POV

We walked in the middle of the wooden floor, looking for a door.
"Glad that you could join us, gentlemen." I hear Wilford's voice ahead.
He walked towards us with Google behind. His red eyes glowed with a passion.
"Where's (your name)?" Dark says firmly.
Google laughs. "She's somewhere around here. But you won't be alive to see her again."
I clench my hands into fists. "You told us that if we found you, we can have her back."
Wilford shrugged, putting his hand in his coat pocket. "Well, maybe I lied." He pulled out a small golden gun, pointing it right at me. He smiled like a murder. "Now lets play."

Your POV

I hear gun shots echoe. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear the muffled yells and shots. But... No. I feel a tear fall down my cheek.
"Aw, how sad. They're going to be killed so quickly. Even if they get past those two, they will be tormented when they see you ripped apart."
Santa laughed in my ear. No. They wouldn't let that happen. Right?
I lift my head over to the door, leading to Mark and Dark. I wanted to yell their names, but my throat was on fire and felt like it was stabbed multiple times. I could only make out a soft whimper. "Mark."

Mark's POV

Damn it! He's too strong. I was facing Warfstache as Dark fought Google. I heard Dark grunt hard as Google throws him over to a wall. He falls on the floor, looking at me. I hear fast footsteps coming towards me. I move to the side as Wilford tried to stab me with a dagger.
"Fast fellow, ah?" He smirks. "You won't be so fast when I gut you later."
He comes after me again, raising the knife. I move out of the way again and again, getting a small cut on my arm. He laughed like the joker as he swung the sharp weapon at me. I feel my back push up against a cold wall, making me gasp. The pink man lifted his knife, coming down near my heart. I move a little, but I wasn't fast an of. The dagger stabs into my shoulder, making me scream in pain. He digs the knife deep and deep. Blood poured down my arm and onto the floor.
Wilford's pink eyes stared into my eyes. He licked his lips, as if he saw my soul. "Now I have you. I told you over and over again; you are never going to see that demon again."
He pulls out his golden gun, placing it on my forehead. I shut my eyes, ready to be killed. The gun goes off.
Am I dead? I'm still breathing. I open one eye, seeing Wilford's eyes wide open. He falls on the floor, blood coming out of his side.
"You guys are true troublemakers,aren't you?" A girl puts down her pistol, walking up to me. She looked like (your name), but just eerie and dark. Her hair was pitch balc and her eyes glowed into a crimson red. Her canine teeth were sharp like a wild animal and she had that smile that make you shiver. She grabs the handle of the dagger and looks at me. "This is going to fucking suck. So be ready." I nod in reply. She sighs and pulls the weapon out of my shoulder. I grunt loud and hold my bleeding shoulder. The dark girl turn to Warfstache, show as trying to crawl away. The girl kicks his onto his side, steeping onto him.
Wilford groans and struggles. "I wouldn't try to fight me, Wilford." The girl says.
The pink man looked over to Google, who was observing with a evil grin. "Google! Kill her!"
The robot shrugs. "What ever. Piece of cake."
He starts to walk quickly over to the dark girl, but in a flash of black, his eyes widened. The mysterious girl was holding a bloody computer chip in her hand. Google's red eyes turn back to brown, and he falls down limp.
"Good luck, my man. You're not going anywhere." She throws the chit on the ground, then turns over to the beaten Darkiplier. The demon chuckles.
"Didn't think that you would come back, Night."
Night snorts. "Its not easy to kill me you know?"
Dark nods and gets up. "I know that." He pushes his black hair back and looks at Warfstache who was starting to crawl away again. "What should we do to him?"
Night smiles. "Kill him of course."
This made Wilford crawl even faster. His breathing started to get heavy and his blood smeared on the floor. "Come back here, buddy." The dark girl teleports over to him, making him yelp. She grabs his hair and lifts him up. "We're going to have to kill you."
The pink man shakes his head as tears poured out of his eyes. Night pulls out a dagger that's covered in blood. She placed it on his throat. Bow Warfstache was whimpering. "Say good bye." A quick slash and the man with the pink mustache's red blood pooled around him.

Author's note~ Holly balls this was crazy to make! Hopefully it was crazy to you too. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this chapter. Its still crazy to me that 124 (probably more later on than that) people are reading this fan fiction of mine. Its just so insane. So thank you again and I'll see you in the next part. Bye bye!!!

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