The Crazy Ring Master

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I opened my eyes. Darkness engulfed the light as I looked around.
"Hello?" I ask into the darkness.
Only silence greeted me. I walked for a bit before I found something weird but also creepy.
It was a large pool of water. No, not water. It was pitch black. I leaned over it, my reflection looking at me. I stared for a bit until I saw something coming behind me. It was a dark figure that looked some what fimilair. Before I could react, I felt something shove me. I lost balance and fell into the mysterious water. The liquid covered my body as I struggled. I couldn't breath as the black liquid blocked my breathing. I let out some oxygen and felt exhausted already. The darkness looked darker than black. I flipped over to see the surface slowly drift away from my grasp as I reached out. I let out more air bubbles as I started to sink further. Soon it felt like I had nothing in me. No air. My thoughts. Just my feelings drifting away from me.
I closed my eyes for a second, slowly opening them. I saw something that caught my eyes. An arm. Reaching out to me beneath the surface. I reached out and felt the hand grab my wrist. A sudden feeling overwhelmed me as it dragged me out of the black water. I could finally breath. Finally think straight. And remember everything.
I looked up and didn't see anyone. I got up quickly and looked around. No one was around me, just the darkness. Who was it then? Who saved me just now?
"Or should you be asking "what" saved you?" I dark voice came behind me.
I jumped around to see two glowing eyes staring at me. One red, one blue. The person smiled wickedly. "Because I'm someone to fear, young lady."
I looked closer at the mysterious person. It was a teen girl, black hair with orange and red highlights. It was styled like a crazy mohawk. Her eyes looked at me like a mirror. A scar going above her eyes that went down her face, stopping where her nose was. She looked like... Me. But just crazy and see looked somewhat like Wilford with her red and black suit.
"Who are you?" I ask with a raspy voice.
The girl chuckled. "I have a million names. But please call me the Crazy Ring Master." A sharp snap runs by my head like a lightning bolt. I froze and watched her lift up her hand, revealing a long whip. She smiles like the Chester cat. "Let's behind, shall we?"
A growl came behind me. I looked and saw something big and furry jumping towards me. I ducked and looked at the thing. It spun around and stared at me. The eyes looked like pure gold. I realized that thins thing was a giant lion. And it looked hungry.
"Have fun, Missy!" I hear the Ring Master exclaim.
Before I could reply, the lion sprinted towards me. Its claws inches from my face.

Wilford's POV

I looked over to the girl, she started to shake in the missable arms of Mark. I started to smile as I smelled a sharp smeel of cinnamon come to life. A crimson red smoke flowed out of the girl's body, flowing around the room. In a blinding flash, something teleported into the room.
"Ah! Its good to feel free once and a while!" A girl's voice came out of the light.
I squinted my eyes until I could see a girl. She had a red and black stripped suit like mine. Her hair looked unnatural, with red and orange highlights through the pitch black hair. She looked at me, a red glowing red and the other a bright blue. She smiled and took out a whip, snapping it in the air.
"And the show will start now, ladies and gentleman! The Ring Master is here!"

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