Fuck you, Dark

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Your POV

The long search was killing me. My head pounds as I hear the news, talking about a murderer out on the streets. My heart jumps when door slam shut and a loud scream for help howled in the dark. Damn it. I wish that she could just kill me instead and call it good. Sadly, she had a whole plan already; kill me, destroy anyone else that gets in her way, destroy the planet and call it hers.

"Where do you think your going, Missy?"

I was snapped back to reality as I hear Dark's voice. I look to the right, seeing her leaning against a tree, humming like a killer. "I was going to fund you. But I guess that your a better seeker than y self."

My demon chuckled. "Number one in hide and seek, (your name)." She whips out a black dagger. "Wanna play?"

I nod intensely. "Bring it on, bitch."

She jolts over to me and swings. I dodge but meet her elbow in my stomach. I gag and fell on my back. Dark raises her dagger near my chest and slams it down. I turn to my side a rolled away from her. She laughs as I get up like a drunk. "What's wrong? Too much to drink?"

She stabs at me, slicing my left arm. I hiss and jumped back. My arms was flowing with red. I look up to Mark and Darkiplier. They were just watching.

Darkiplier puts up his fist like her was going to fight.

I nod back and lifted my hands up and clenched them into tight fists. "Knife vs fists, ah? This is intreating indeed!"

The black weapon came between my eyes. I yelp and turn, making the blade cut across my cheek. I quickly took my chance and punched Dark in the chin. Her head flew up and she stumbled back. A unsettling chuckle came out of her mouth. "How cute. Your punches hurt." Her head cracks as she looks at me. She wips the black blood that came out of her mouth, only making it smear more. "Enough dancing around like a coward. If I kill you, this world would be beautiful."

I glare at her red eyes. "I think I'll pass."

Dark's smile dissapered. "Really now? Then come at me."

Of course she vanishes, laughter echoeing in my mind. I spin slowly in a circle, ready to strike. "(Your name)!"

But it was too late. Dark jumps on my back, making my fall on the ground. A sudden stab went into my shoulder. I screamed as I felt the blade go in further. She was teasing me as she turned the blade ever so slightly to the left. "Should have been faster. Then you wouldn't be the one to die." She laughs. "And your friends wouldn't die either!"

I grunting and growling were Mark and Darkiplier were standing. My head snaps to the direction, seeing two men holding onto them. Mark was struggling from the man's grip, but it was no use. Darkiplier on the other hand was close to escaping the man's grip.

"Get off!" He growled as he jolted forward. The mans hand grabbed Dark's chin, pulling it back a little, but he could still see me. I looked at the people who held on the them. They looked like Mark, but the one holding Darkiplier had gray skin, white eyes and hair. Black smoke formed behind him as he looked at me. The other who had Mark was fimilair. Looked like Mark but only a yellow button up shirt and a light pink mustache.

I growled and arched my back. "How the fuck are you alive?"

The pink man looked at me, but his eyes looked different. "Because, ma'am. You can't kill someone like me."

The dagger was pulled out of my shoulder, making me hiss quietly. Dark still sat on my back. "Yes. Wilford was placed back into Mark's soul, hints why he looks a bit different than last time." Dark points over to the other man. "And that's Grim. Just a sad, unfortunate soul."

Grim just stared at me, his face like a rock. (FYI: if you don't know what Grim is, look it up. Grimpier is pretty cool looking.) "Why would you fight with her?" That made the dark man look down. Good. I'm getting to him. "She's just going to kill you!" Pressure from Dark's foot squeezed my stabbed shoulder made me groan. "Don't trust her. She's worse."

Dark got off me, only to kick me against a tree near us. She presses her arm to my throat, making my air cut off slowly. "Shut your mouth, filth. They're with me. Like it or not." She raises her dagger to my head. "I'm sick of you."

I see the sharpened black dagger coming closer to me, my eyes locked on it until I closed them shut.

Authors note~ ha! I'm traaaaaash. Next part coming tomorrow hopefully :p see ya

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