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"Why are we in the boy's section?" Mark asks me as I grabbed a black shirt. I threw it into the cart and looked at Mark, one eyebrow up.

"Because boy clothes are better." I answer as I turn around and looked at some pants, grabbing skinny jeans and some boxers for pajamas. I hear Mark snicker as I put the boxers in the cart. "Now what?"

He clears his throat. "Oh nothing!" I rolled my eyes.

We set down our things as the cashier checked out things. "That will be $138.25, sir." She smiles. I looked up and down her body. I laughed in my head when I figured out what she was ding; she's trying to flirt with Mark. He big boobs half way out, she swung side to side, sticking her butt out. I looked away and giggled a while.

Mark handed her his money. She grabbed it and placed a little piece of paper in his hands, whispering in his ear. When she moved back, Mark shook his head and thank her. I saw anger and sadness in her eyes as we walked away from her.

We walk through the mall and I couldn't hold it anymore. I started to laugh hard. Mark stared at me and chuckled. "What's your problem?"

I held my aching stomach. "She.... she was flirting with you!" I giggle a bit more and started to calm down. "And you said no."

Mark shook his head and started to walk towards a frozen yogurt place. "I did that because all she wanted was my body. And literally, she said that."

I shook my head. "That disgusting." I stopped and blushed. "Not like your body isn't hot but just using it is gross."

Mark chuckled and gave me a medium bowl. We walked around the "buffet" of flavors and toppings. I got chocolate yogurt with cherries, black berries, whip cream, raspberry chocolate, coconut shavings, chocolate and strawberry syrup, and sprinkles. We played our food and sat down at a table. I dug in and realized that Mark was just looking at me, smiling. I looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

He shook his head and scoped and spoon full of cookies and cream yogurt. "Oh nothing. You look happier now." He put the spoon into his mouth.

I giggled silently. "Yeah what ever." I stopped eating and remembered that we now live with a crazy demon. The memories of my nightmares came rushing into my head. I felt a single tear escape my eye.

"(Your name). You ok?" Mark snaps me back into reality. I felt the droplet or salty water and quickly wiped it away.

"Sorry. I'm just remembering things." I sniff and smiled. "I'm ok."

Mark took a second before he smiled back. "Ok."

We ate in silence until you finished before Mark. You looked at the crowd of people rushing around. I grinned to yourself. How luck I am to be with Mark.

I turned back at Mark. He scarfed down the last couple of bits, a smug of chocolate on his check. I chuckle and rubbed the sweet off of his face. I saw shock in his brown eyes, but yet his checks started to go a bit pink. We stared for a while until a shock went through my right arm. I wrenched in pain. I looked down to see the marking smoke.

"You naughty little girl." I hear next to me. I snapped my head to my left, seeing an angry Dark grab my wrist and dragged me out of the mall. Mark followed us with his car.

After a while of tugging, we got I to the apartment. Dark opened the door and shoves me to the ground. I fell with a thud then a smack across my face.

Shock and fear rose in me, my head stuck to one side. "I knew that I should've kept you here!" Dark hisses behind his teeth. I didn't look, I was too afraid to. I felt his burning hands grab my check, making me look at him. His eyes glared with anger, but yet there was something else. I couldn't put my finger on it though. "I'll say this one last time; You're mine! Not Mark's!"

A lightbulb went off in my mind. I started I to his crimson red eyes and finally opened my mouth. "You're jealous."

Dark's anger quickly dissolved into surprise. He let go of my face and stood up straight. He looked the other way from me.

I see Mark rush in the room, panting violently. "W.... Dark?! What was that all about?"

Dark looked at Mark, his anger back into his eyes. "You like her don't you?!"

Mark looks at me and fixed his eyes back to Dark. "I have no idea where you got that from."

Dark growled under his breath. "Don't do that bull shit! I saw you blush."

Mark threw up his hands. "Because it was surprising to me that she did that!"

Dark shook his head. "God damn it." He looked back at me. I flinched when he glared at me. "You. Go into your room. Now!"

I jumped up and obeyed. I ain't dying today. I closed the door and sat down in the bed. Does Mark really like me? I mean, yeah sure it was surprising, but did he blush because of that?

I fell back into the bed and listened to the argument downstairs.

"Dark, just shut up. You took her so it's your problem!" I hear Mark growl.

"Yeah which means she's mine and mine only! I'm basically the Alfa here!"

"Oh but you were too weak to keep her here, now we're you?"

I heard something smash into the wall. I jumped up and went closer to the door. "Shut up! You have no idea what she possesses!"

I froze and started to question. Posses? What is it? I silently opened the door and looked down the stairs, seeing Dark pinning Mark against the wall.

"Oh and your scared? I thought that you didn't fear anything?" Mark grinned.

I saw Dark's jaw tighten. He lifted up his arm, about to punch Mark in the face. My body had a mind of its own. I grabbed the hand rail and jumped towards Dark.

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