Pour Souls

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I needed to clear my head. Too much information ran around, trying to process everything. I grabbed some clothes and threw it on me, my blue plaid jacket smelt like pine trees. I slipped out of my room and head towards the door. I looked at the couch, seeing Mark passed out with no shirt on. I smile and went outside.

The cool spring air flowed through my nose and went into my lungs, making me cough a bit. I started to walk straight, until I came to a small park. I looked at the sign, 'Please don't go into the park after 12:00 a.m. Thank you.' I looked at my watch, reading 3:38. I sighed and melted walking. After a while, I started to feel watched. I shook as I felt a chill run into me. I looked behind me, only seeing darkness. I sigh in relief, turning around to see three men in front of me.

One had fuzzy brown hair with torn clothes. He grinned and pointed at me. "Good catch, boys." I shifted my body into a fighting position, lifting my arms up. He chuckled. "Go on, Sam."

I suddenly felt a piece of cloth cover my mouth, catching me in surprise. I held my breath as I smashed my head back. A loud crack broke the silence. The man fell down, letting me go. I felt light headed but glared back at the other men.

I grinned madly as they stared blankly. "So you wanna play games huh?"

Dark's pov

I knew she left the apartment. I followed her until a group of men circled her. I snapped my fingers, teleporting up a tree. One man came up behind her, placing a cloth over her nose. She quickly smashed her head into his, breaking his nose and probably smashed out some teeth.

She lifted her head and grinned at the other men. "So you wanna play, huh?" She chuckled as I noticed her right eye turn red, the other staying the same color. Her red eye started to glow as she lifted her right hand, dark red smoke rose off of her hand and came around the three frightened men. Their eyes wide and frightened. (Your name) giggled as she snapped, hearing a terrible snap of breaking bones break into the park. The smoke started to dissolve, making the murder scene more visible. The three were torn and broken to bits, like broken glass. Blood splashed all over the ground.

A scream came from behind her. The last man yelled bloody murder as he say (your name) coming closer. "Please!!! Don't kill me!!!" He screamed.

(Your name) chuckled, pointing at the scared man. A deep red smoke wrapped around the man's throat. "Short but sweet to my ears." She says as the man chokes. Finally a ball of dirty green escape his mouth. I smiled when I realized what she held in her hand. A soul. She held it and snickered. "What a pour unfortunate soul, indeed." She crushed the small green ball, making it smashed into smoke. She fell into the floor after the green smoke dissolved. I jumped down beside her, picking her up. I placed my hand on her forehead. She was cold, but not dead. I smiled and snapped my fingers near her neck, smoke around it like a necklace. A small black necklace appeared around her neck, a small black "D" in the center. I got up with her and walked back home.

Author's Note~ Alright guys! Took a while until I thought it was good and done. I know it was short, so sorry about that. Next chapter will hopefully be done later on in the day! See ya! :)

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