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Mark's POV

I knew something was wrong. I heard a scream that sounded familiar. I dash out of my recording room and rushed down the stairs, jumping down from the last three steps. I run over to the kitchen, witnessing (your name) falling to the ground with bright blue lines all over her. She shook slightly as she laid on the floor.
I glared at the man who was chuckling. "Glitch!" I yell as I stomp over to him.
He threw up his hands and laughed. I grabbed his shirt and smashed him into the wall. He smiled widely at me. "Hello, Markymoo!" He sung.
I growled at him. "What are you doing here?!"
His eyes gleamed with glee. "I was sent here. To guard the young girl." He looked over to (your name). "Well, if she behaved."
"Wilford sent him." Dark's voice scratched as he spoke softly. "When she came back, something glowed on her side. She was marked by him and brainwashed her. Now, Glitch put a virus into her." Dark brushed himself off and ran his fingers through his hair. "This is going to be bad."

Your POV

I opened my eyes. Blue numbers and letters ran around me, like walls. I stared at them with curiosity as I reached out to touch them. A painful shook ran through my arm as I slightly touched the numbers. I yelped and held my hand. It was burnt a bit, a light smell of burnt flesh in the air. I felt like hell. My head pounded and my stomach turned often.
Where the hell am I? I ask in my mind.
"Your body has a virus in it, trapping you in your corrupted soul." Someone answered.
"Who are you?" I stand up and stumbled.
"I'm just another one of you." It answers.
I hold my head in pain. "What do you mean?"
A moment of silence came before the mysterious voice answered. "You have multiple side or version of yourself. I am just one of them."
I looked ahead and turned my head to the side. "Like Mark? Damn. Everything's going down hill." I clench my hands into fists. "Can I see you at least?"
A chuckle came out. "Of course." Foot steps echoed towards me. A figure came in sight. It was a teen girl, who looked like me but with orange hair and yellow highlights. Her eyes were a bright green and glittered when she looked at me. She wore a (pick a color) and (pick another color) suit with a black button down shirt. She smiled at me, showing slightly sharp canine teeth. "I'm the crazy ring master! Come and see my show sometime. I do things you've never seen before, my dear." She leaned closer to me. "Like an untamed lion in front of me. My only defense if a long wipe. Quite exciting!" Her smile faded. "Until that idiot went insane. I'll never forgive that pink guy."
My mind rushes with the images of a man with a pink mustache and a red and white suit. He took out a small golden gun a started to shoot people. I held my head and clenched my eyes shut.
"You see. Wilfrod is someone to fear, but he can be defeated."
I looked up and the ring master dissapered. The walls started to fade away and darkness took over. "Ring master?"
A chuckle came from the darkness. "Not anymore." Her voice was dark and sounded like mine.
"Then who?" I ask as I stood up straight.
Suddenly, a steaming hot hand held my shoulder. "It's me. Your Darky." I spun around to find no one. "Over here." I turned around again. To see another teen that looked the same but with jet black hair with red highlights. Her eyes were crimson red and black slits. Her canine teeth were long and sharp. "I'm your dark side. Like Darkiplier. You know, that hot demon. Rawr!" She growled playfully then looked back at me and grinned. "He's a handful that's for sure."
"How many versions are there?" I asks as I stare into her eyes.
"Thousands. But some were too weak to show themselves or not discovered yet." She dissapered again. I looked around until I felt someone leaning on my shoulders. I look over to see Dark on my shoulder. "And another was made. But this one is dangerous. She's called Virus. Not a nice one at all." She pats my back. "Don't worry though. You can watch her and the others!" She snapped her fingers. A large screen pops up and a bright screen trunturns on. I shield my eyes until something turned on.
"She's awake." It was Dark. He was looking directly at me, making me realize that there were cameras in Virus's eyes. Dark glare into the camera. "And its not (your name)."
The virus jolted at Dark and pinned him down on the table. He struggled, but soon gave up and looked at the "eyes" of the other version of me. "You're mine, Darkymoo." A glitchy voice came from Virus. A sudden movement turned the screen black. A yell came and quickly went back to silence. The screen came back on and I wish it never did. Dark's throat was ripped out, black blood pouring out onto the floor and table. He gurgled and coughed out blood until he went limp.

Author's Note~ sh*ts going down and getting real! Hope you somewhat enjoyed that chapter. If you did please let me know in the comments and the next chapter will come soon! See you later!!!

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