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??? POV

"Damn it!" A shock of electricity shots towards my arm. I grunt in pain. "I wish this works."
I pull down the lever, activating the machine. I watched the girl getting electrocuted, as if she was Frankin Stien. She was covered in blood, her red and black stripped coat dried. I felt a smile creep onto my face as I see her eyes open, red and blue. She looked at me, smiling.
I reached out for her. The eyes started to get brighter and brighter. They blinded my vision as a loud boom went off. I felt a warm liquid splatter around me. I opened my eyes, seeing the red everywhere.
"It failed." I say as I wipe the blood off of me. Nothing left of the girl. Gone forever. "I sorry, my dear. I couldn't save you."
"Tough luck today, huh, Wilford." I hear a low deep voice behind me.
I fix my mustache with a quick swipe. "Yeah. All because of that girl."
The man walked up to the blood, examining it by touching it. He put the blood covered fingers up to his face. A bright white 'G' glowed on his blue T-shirt.
"Was this the Ring Master?"
I nod, folding my arms behind me. "Yes it was, Google. She was extraordinary. Very deadly." I sighed deeply. "But she could never beat a demon."
Google turned to face me, his brown eyes turning into a bright red. "So where's the enemy?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be able to find them?"
He shook his head. "I can't find any trace of them, sadly." He smiles. "But we could ask someone else to find out."
I rolled my eyes. "No not at all."
The robot sifted. "Why not? He knows where everyone is."
I growled. "I know! He's just.... Traitorous."
Google shook his head. "You can be a fool, aren't you?"
I shrug. "Some times." I puffed out some air and ran my hand through my messy, bloody hair. "Do we really have to ask him?"
The man nods. "Santa is the man to ask."

Your POV

"Ow!" I yelp as Dark restitched my large cuts and bullet holes.
He looks up to me. "Honey, you're going to have to live through this."
I puffed and held my breath. The needle went through my skin again, making me bite hard in my cheeks. I started to taste blood. Darkiplier finally finished, tying the thread and cutting the rest. "See, you're done."
I shake my head. "I'm not the biggest fan of needles."
"I'm not either, but these kinds of things happen." He walks away, putting away the first aid kit.
Mark comes closer to my bed, hanging me a glass of water. "Here."
I smile as I take to cool glass. "Thank you."
I chugged the water down until there was nothing left. Mark took the glass away and placed it on the nightstand next to my bed. He then places his hand on my forehead. "You're getting sick."
I sigh. "Not now. Why?"
Mark sighs with me. "I don't know. Its the worse time too."
I lay down comfortable in the soft bed. I could feel the sweat on my back. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. "I'll let you sleep. Have a good dream." Mark gets up and starts to walk away.
I gulp down my shyness. "Wait, Mark." He stops and hums. "Umm.... Can you possibly.. You know... Sleep in here with me?"
Mark blinks at me. "Like in the same bed?"
I nod. He looks at Dark, who was gesturing at me. Mark runs his fingers through his damp hair. "OK. But if you get me sick."
I laugh. "Don't worry. I'm not terribly sick."
Mark slides into the bed, his leg accidentally hits mine. "Oh sorry." We both say at the same time.
Mark smiles. "Sorry."
I feel my face heat up. "Its OK."
A piece of my hair falls into my eyes. Mark chuckles and pulls it behind my ear. "Anyways, good night, I guess." His voice was deep and smooth.
I breath in and out, smelling two strong smells of pine trees. "Good night." I look over to Dark. "And you too."
Dark waves and sits in a chair. I stare back at Mark. God damn, his brown eyes were hypnotizing. I fell asleep sooner than later.

Dark's POV

They both passed out after a while. I sighed and leaned back in the chair. I really hope that Wilford doesn't find us right now. I close my sore eyes. I wonder what he did when the Ring Master was killed. I can't even believe that (your name) killed her. I'm also a demon. So why couldn't I kill her? I sighed deeply and opened my eyes. I'm so confused. So much is going on. I was once a cold blooded murder. Until I found her. I didn't even mean to. I watched (your name) for a long time. She seemed so... Interested in me. When Mark posted Raspy Hill for the first time. I watched a thousand fans watch it, but they weren't like her. She was terrified, yes. But then she was curious about me. Her eyes glued on the screen, trying to figure out what I exactly was. And how Mark made me the demon I am now.
Then I took her. I thought that it would be fun. That it would be nothing. Apperantly it was something greater. Now we have a 50-50 chance of dying or saving. She could destroy us all, or she could save everyone. She has a million sides. A million versions like Mark. And one day they could all come out.
I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my heart. I grunted and held my chest. "What the..."
I looked outside, big white cloud were covering the sky. Small white flakes coming down, covering the ground.
"God damn it. He's on their side now."

Author's note~ Big, bad Santa Clause is coming to town! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know that it was interesting to make and the next one will be just a bunch of characters colliding together. It will be a lot of fun(not in that way, weirdo). Anyways, thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye bye!!!!! :D

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