The Pink Man

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My breath was sucked out of my lungs. Warfstache? The Warfstache?! I had mixed feelings about this conflict. I was excited but also scared. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I gulped down hard and pressed my ear against the door.

More crashing and grunting was around. It was sounds of a extreme fight. Man vs man.

After a couple of minutes, the battle stopped and silence introduced itself. I cracked the door open a little, only seeing scratches on the walls.

'They have to be downstairs.' I say in my mind as I quietly slip out out of the room. I walked over to the stairs, looking down. I saw Dark on the floor, black blood around him. I saw a glance of red and white. I looked closer to see another man that looked like Mark, but with a red and white striped suit and a pink mustache. My eyes widened as I realized who it was.

He chuckled as he walked towards Mark, who was leaning against the wall with blood coming down his nose and mouth. Wilford grinned at Mark insanely.

"So, I heard that you have a special someone around here." He says. I see Mark clench his hands closed, anger rushing into his glare. Wilford bent down face to face with Mark, inches from his face. "Where?"

Mark stays quite. The crazy man punched Mark in the face, making him fall onto his side. Wilford grabbed a fist full of Mark's hair and pulled him up. I felt my jaw clench as I tried not to scream. "I asked where, pretty boy."

I heard Darkiplier cough as he woke up. Wilford looked back at him and grinned. "Good morning, sunshine." He sung as he tossed Mark away to the side. He walked over to Dark. "Or shall I say darkness, since you're dark and all." He kicked Dark in the face, launching him on his back. Dark crawled away from him and started to get up, shaking in progress. Wilford laughed as he watched d him struggle. "Now this is entertainment!" He puts his hand in his pockets, grabbing a same gold gun. He pointed it at Dark's head. Dark glared back in surprise but yet wrath. "So Markymoo, are you going to tell me, or am I going to have to kill you most precious copy?" He hissed at Mark. He placed his finger on the trigger, ready to shot. "TELL ME!"

My mind told my body to attack, but yet my heart told me not to. I couldn't control myself as I grabbed onto the hand rail and launched myself towards Wilford. It was in slow motion; Dark looking up and looking back at Warfstache, terror in his red eyes. I fell on top of Wilford, catching him in surprise. I grabbed the gun and pointed it to his head. His eyes were wide but slowly turned insane as he say my anger. I grabbed the trigger and felt more powerful.

I glared into Wilford's pink eyes. "Don't touch my friends!" I scream as I pulled the trigger.

Author's Note ~ Oh boy. It's going down for real. The next chapter will be intense and awesome. Sorry about the size of this chapter. I try dudes. :p See you in the next part!

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