She's Coming

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Your POV

It was cold. Colder than you could imagine. I open my eyes, they tear up from the cool air. I grabbed my arms and shook violently. Where am I? I looked around, seeing a path ahead of me, snow falling down in every direction. I looked down at me, only a tank top and shorts on. No wonder I'm so god damn cold. I'm wearing nothing! I took a shakey breath in and walked down the white path.

The snow came down harder and harder as I walked father and father. It felt like someone was watching me, but when ever I looked, there was nobody there. I felt butterflies in my stomach and a splitting head ache pounding in my head.

I finally cussed out loud. "Where the fuck am I?"

"Where you may ask?" A sudden voice replied to my question. I opened my cold eyes, seeing a girl a couple of feet infront of me, her hair was pure white and her eyes were politely closed. "You're in my realm, sweetheart." Her eyes opened, showing a clear light blue. They looked like water under ice; so clear and concealed. "And I see that you think you're safe?"

I clench my arms tighter as a rush of icey wind hits my back, almost knocking me down. "Who are you? And what do you mean?"

She smiled by the demand. "I'm your coldness. Call me Blizzard. I was the part of you that made people literally freeze in place; rather it was a good thing or a bad thing. And I'm telling you this because she's going to destroy you and this whole universe if you don't react fast enough."

I blink with confusion. "Who's this girl?"

Blizzard points behind me. "Take a look for yourself, my dear."

I slowly look back. And what I saw made me freeze with fear. It was me. But much worse. Her eyes were fully black and her skin was white. She smiled, showing sharp canine teeth that could tear you apart. She laughed furiously and cracked her hands. Her sharp black fingernails shined in the dim light. "Let's start this, shall we (your name)?"

Without a second, she lunged at me. She slammed me down onto the ground, which broke like glass beneath my body. We fell into the darkness, shards of clear glass reflecting us. I started at the mysterious girl. She looks like me. More like Night but darker than her. More like a.... A demon. Suddenly, I feel a cold water cover my whole body, the girl still grasping me. The water flooded my lungs in seconds, causing me to struggle and scream.

But I couldn't escape. She was holding onto me, uninjured by the dark water. Her smile was pure white, coming closer to me. I feel her sharp teeth stab into my shoulder, my blood mixing with the water.
As she released me, I kept falling down.

And as clear as a crystal I heard the evil voice boom in my head. "Keep your eyes open."

I jolted up from the nightmare. Mark was up already, shaking me. "Oh thank god!" His voice was deep and concerned. "What was it?"

I clenched my shirt, feeling my heart beat. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead, dripping on my legs. I looked at Mark, my eyes sore and tired. "It's not over."

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean, (y/n)?"

I shake my head with frustration. "There's- well, there's something after me. She's coming soon and she's going to kill us all."

"Do you know who she is?"

I take a deep, shaky breath in. "She's- she's me. My true demon."

Before Mark could say something, the door swung open, showing Darkiplier madly grinning. "Yes she is~!" He sung. "Oh dear! She's not the nicest little demon, that's for sure."

I got up and wiped my sweat away. "Do you know her?"

He nods and leans against the door frame. "Her name is Dark, too. You have practically two dark sides. One's a bit more jolly and the other- well- she's deadly."

I clenched my fists. "Yeah I know. She drowned me in my dream."

The demon's eyes widened. "Luckily you woke up then."

"Why's that?" I ask, a bit of aggregation in my voice.

He looks over to Mark. "She could have killed you in that dream. That's why." He looks back to me, his red eyes glowing. "And if she did that, we all would've been goners." He walks up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. His hands were burning hot, but it was better than being frozen. "You're our saver. Our hero. And Dark is our villian. Our destroyer who will kill us all if you don't stop her. So please tell me that you won't give up."

I blink for a second and took the longest breath in my life. "OK. I promise."

Author's note~ This is getting more and more exciting, right? Hopefully for you guys, you feel the same as I. The ending is coming soon, I know, but I promise you that there will be other stories that I will make about Darkiplier. :) One of them will be much more creepier than the Darkiplier in this story. So I hope that you'll stick around for that and I will see you in the next part! Bye bye!!!!!

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