Come Back

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Your POV

Mark held onto me with a iron grip. It was impossible to escape the bear hug that he was giving me. I suddenly feel something cold and hard touch the back of my head.
I see Dark finch but stops moving.
"Ah ah ah. Now Darky. We don't want blood everywhere now do we?" The gun clicked behind me. I shut my eyes and took deep breaths.
Someone ran into the room, making my heart jump. I looked up to see Glitch near Dark. His eyes flashed hatred towards Wilford.
"Damn it you're fast." Glitch says behind his teeth.
A deep chuckle escapes from the pink man. "What can I say, I'm a man that needs certain things at certain times." His cold hands grab my cheeks, pulling my head inches away from his. "And this little demon is all I wanted. For centuries." He lets go, making me shiver. "And for some reason, she so happens to fall right into my grasp. Silly girl."
I didn't want to see anyone. Not even Dark. I just wanted to dissaper. Mark's grip tightened, making my thoughts break away. "But I don't think I'm going to keep you two alive. I have a bad feeling about you."
My eyes shot open. Wilford pointed his gun towards Dark, firing immediately. But Dark was too fast. He jumped to the side and glared back.
I felt Mark dragging me away from the battle, which was something I didn't want. I struggled his grip, but he didn't give up. I finally smashed my head into his chest, causing Mark to loosen his grip a little. I ducked under his arms and started to run. I was closing in to Wilford before a hand grabbed my ankle. I fell onto the floor and looked behind me. Mark's face had a crazy smile plastered on it, his eyes glowed a light pink. He started to pull me towards me. Never in my life have I felt so afraid.
I tried to grab on the carpet but failed.
"No!" I yelled as my heart leaped into my throat. Mark grabbed my shirt and lifted me up. He then let me stand up before grabbing the back of my neck. His hands were cold and uncomfortable. My first reflects was to elbow him in his side. Instead I got his stomach which mad him grasp. I backed away from him before he could get me again. It took a couple of seconds until I could see his face again. It was more wicked and his eyes were getting brighter. He staggered up on his feet and grinned. In a flash, he was in front of my face. I yelped as he swung at my face. I ducked and punched him in the side. But nothing happened. Mark kicked my side, making me fall onto the kitchen table. I didn't have a second to recover as he grabbed my shirt and tossed me over to the stairs. The back of my head smashed into one of the poles, stars fluttered around my vision. I felt Mark grab my shirt again and threw me again. This time I smashed into the wall. I felt blood fall down out of my nose and in the corner of my mouth.
"(Your name)!" I hear Dark scream.
Another gun shot went off. "Don't even try, demon boy!" Wilford exclaimed.
I looked up to Mark, his crazy eyes stared at me. I felt something run down my forehead and down my face. Mark slowly walked over to me. I closed my eyes and let my hearing go numb. Muffles and yells went through my head. Gunshots and laughter flowed around me.
I can't do this anymore. I opened my eyes and watched Mark pull out something thin and shiny. It took me a second to figure out what it was. The sharp knife glittered in my eyes. I closed my eyes once more and felt somewhat relaxed. I started to chuckle. "So, this is how you'll say good bye?" I say. Mark stared at me blankly, confused. I opened my eyes fully and stared back. "Go on. Do it." Mark stood there. His eyes glowing. I glared into his eyes. "Do it, Mark. Kill me." He eyes flashed brown for a second before he dropped his head down. I got up and walked over to Mark. I grabbed his hand with the knife and aimed it towards my heart. "I'm not afraid anymore. Do it." Mark's eyes stared deeply into mine. Telling me that he didn't want to. "Kill me, Mark. Come on." He didn't once again. His eyes went crazy as they change colors. "KILL ME!!" A sharp pain went through my chest. I smiled at the brainwashed Markiplier. I fell on my knees, letting the blood rush out my stab wound. I looked back up at Mark. His eyes more alive then dead. His skin not as pale as before. He looked down at me, his eyes wide in fear.
I just simple smiled. "Thank you."

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