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Your POV

I slowly opened my tired eyes. I looked around to see that I was back in Mark's apertment. I smiled and sighed in relief.

"Its OK... Everything's OK." I say soft as I walk out to the living room, seeing Mark sitting down. He looked up and smiled.

"Morning!" He says goofy as he gets up and hugs me.

I was shocked bit soon hugged him back. I'm alive and well.

A shock of electricity went threw me like a arrow. I didn't have control as I pulled out a sharp knife. I rose it near Mark's back and stabbed. He gasped in surprise and staggered back. He stared at me with fear. I gasped. "I'm sorry! I swear!"

Mark coughed up blood into his hand and leaned his side on the wall, slowly falling down. He looked at me with dead eyes, the chocolate brown dissolving. "I hate you..."

His words echoed in my mind as he died. Tears came out of my eyes as I grabbed the side of my head.

"Shush, darling. Its already too late." I hear a fimliar voice in my ear. "You passed your test."

I turned to see Wilfrod grinning at me. He reached out to me, placing his hand on my left side of my back, near my hips. I started to feel them burn, but it was cold. I grunted as I fell on my knees in defeat. "There. Now your mine." He lefted up my shirt, a small pink mustache imprinted on my skin. "Now let's go."

I black out once again.

Dark's POV

"Mark. Quit whining. She's fine." I sighed.

Mark was pouting as he sat in a chair near the table. He looked up at me and snarled.

"He has her. He's going to kill her. I know it." He finisned as he lowered his head.

I got angery and grabbed his shirt, shaking him. "(Your name) is strong an of! She can kill anything!" I tossed him away and crossed my arms. Mark looked at me, his brown eyes glassy and tired. I turned and snapped my fingers. A plate filled with a burger and fries appeared in front of Mark. He stared down, making his stomach growl. "Now eat. She'll come back alive and well. Go it?"

Mark nods and starts to eat in silence. I walked out of the kitchen and went into my room. I flicked my wrist, making black smoke form. A small red light started to appear. She's alive still, I say as I watched her soul. Suddenly a pink mist formed around it, almost overpowering the red. Only a small part of the blood red stayed, the rest turned pink. But she has another master now.

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