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Night's POV

Mark hesatates when he hands me a knife.
"Thank you, deary." I aimed for my open palm and stuck the knife down. I hissed and yelped as the sharp weapon went throw my hand and into the wooden table. Black blood pooled over the surface and crawled down onto the hard floor.

I look back over to Markiplier, who's eyes were wide from shock. I grab his shirt, making him jerk closer to me. I stared into his eyes. "I need you to give me a saw."

Mark stared back into my eyes. "No!"

I growled loudly. "Damn it! Do it now before I hurt everyone!"

I pushed him away as he ran into another room. I let my head fall down. The pain was running up my arms and back down. The black hand was twitching and moving furiously from the knife. "Its no use, Night." The dark girl chuckles. I lifted my head up slightly. Dark was smiling like a mad dog as Darkiplier held onto her. "I'll still kill everyone. Including you."

I ignored her as Mark came back with a small saw. He gives it to me and walks away. I placed the toothed knife below my shoulder and took a long, deep breath in. I could feel my eye pop out of my sockets as the teeth sawed into my arm. My screams pounded and echoed in the room. Tears streamed down my face as each slice became more and more hellish.

Finally, my arm fell onto the table. I gasped and panted and I dropped the saw and held onto the bleeding wound.I could feel the rough bone and meat on my palm as I turned over to Dark. She seemed empresses but in a sarcastic way. "Nice. Very clean my lady."

I stumbled over to her and glared into her crimson eyes. "Anything else you wanna roll off you dirty tongue?"

She sticks out her pink tongue. "Maybe. Maybe not!"

In a instant, she dissapered. Giggling echoed around me as the apartment became dark. "Don't play any games, you coward!"

A dark laugh came up behind me. "Oh but come on. They are extremely fun to do." What felt like long claws wrapped around my neck. "Expectably on you."

A sudden jab went through my stomach. I coughed up blood and looked down. Dark's long black claws were through my stomach. I could hear her smile as she wiggled them around then pulled them back. I was released from her claws and fell to the cold floor.

"Night! No!" Darkiplier yells in fury. His red eyes burn onto Dark. "I'll kill you for this!"

Dark laughs. "Try me, Darky! You don't stand a chance against me." The demon kicks me over to Darkiplier's feet. He kneels down and looks at my stab wound. I could faintly see little balls of tears well up in his dark eyes. "I'll see you again. And I will kill all of you."

Darkiplier started to panic as he held on me. "Please don't." He looks up to the ceiling. A tear falls down his cheek. "I'll kill her." The tear falls on my cheek and tools down into my hair. I stare blankly at Darkiplier as he stared at me with hate and sadness.

I lift up my hand and placed it on his wet cheek. "Don't. Don't start to cry." I smile. "It was my time either way. I've help you and the others a lot." A cough of my black blood went on his shirt. "Now promise me that you won't let her win." My hand falls down as my vision fades to black. "Promise me."

Darkiplier's Pov

She was died in my arms. Her red eyes were now faded into a light, cloudy pink. Her mouth open a tiny bit, like she wanted to say more.

I wanted to say more. I should have done more. But I didn't. I press my forehead into Night's cold head. "I promise."

I closed my eyes as I felt her body starting to fade away into smoke. I opened my sore eyes as I felt nothing more. Mark was standing in the same place with his head down.

"Hey." I looked up to see (your name). Her hair was messy and her (eye color) was cloudy, but yet I could see that she was pissed. "I'm sorry. About everything. I know that I could have done something to help her."

I shook my head and stood up. "Don't. Like she said; it was her time. And she knows that we can do it."

Mark finally moved over to (your name), hugging her tightly. She look surprised by this as Mark whispered softly. "Please don't die." His voice shuttered. "I can't take another death again."

(Your name) hugged him back for a while before she lightly slid out of his grasp. She came up to me and looked into my red eyes. "We need to end this."

"Of course. But we don't know where Dark went."

The girl smiled. "Not like we can't find her. Besides," she looks at Mark and I. "If we can't find her, she'll come to us."

Author's note ~ thank you guys for reading and I hope it was good with the part. I've noticed that I'm kill off a ton of characters in this. :p woops. Anyways, I'm going to go to bed since its 9pm right now. Good night and I will see you in the next video. Bye bye!!!!!

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