Only Me

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I flinched when the bullet left the gun. I blinked and looked down, seeing two dirty pink eyes looked at me. Wilford dropped a metal object, I suddenly realized that it was the bullet. I got off of the man and staggered backwards, my hands shaking. He got up and fixed his hair, then looking at me like a murder. He slowly walked towards me. Dark launched his self at Warf, but he threw him like a rag doll. I watched Dark slam into the wall gasping. I looked back at the link man, who was coming closer and closer.

'I fucked up. I fucked up bad.' I hit a wall behind me. I panicked and tried to shot Wilford again, but he grabbed he small gun and threw it away.

I felt fear rise and a snapped his hand towards my throat, fast like a lightning strike. He grappled my throat and lifted me off the ground so I could looked at his face evenly. One eyebrow lifted up as he examined me carefully. He then turned towards Dark and grinned. "Is this your mate, buddy?" Dark gave him a death glare with no response. "No.." Wilford turned to Mark. "She's yours." He tighten his grip on the throat, making me yelp softly. Mark jolted up and rose his hands. "Please don't hurt her. She's just a friend and no one you should be interested in."

Warfstache chuckled. "I think I am interested." He looked at me and grinned. "She looks a bit too brave and powerful. Not a lot of little girl's would try to kill a man with anger." He settled me down with a shove. I collapsed onto the floor coughing hard and finally breathing.

Mark grabbed me and pulled me behind him. "No Wilford. It's just me. And only me."

Dark started to get up slowly, grunting as he stood. Wilford smiled widely and grabbed something out of his pocket. Another gun, but this time a regular pistol. He pointed it towards Dark and shot. Dark's eyes widened as a line of dark blood formed across his cheek. "You stay there, Darky." The pink man pointed the gun at Mark, making me gasp. Wilford looked at me and laughed. "Yes I love woman who are protective. Makes me feel special." He picked his lips and slide his finger at the trigger. Mark glared and stood still. He grabbed my hand and squeezed hard. My mind flashed with emotional pictures of Mark dead and gone. My body snapped in action and spun in front of Mark, shutting my eyes in the process.

"(Your name)!" He screamed as a gun shot was heard.

I waited for pain but didn't get anything. I opened my eyes and saw the bullet inches from my face. Surprisingly I was calm, the object falling on the ground. I glared back at Wilford, who was smiling like he saw something he wanted. In a flash, he snatched me away from Mark's grasp and snapped his fingers. I started to feel dizzy as I saw Mark yell. My vision went black as I see the crazy pink man smile at me.

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