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Your POV

I jumped up on my feet, looking around the burning room. I imagined seeing Wilford engulfed with flames, screaming and running in fear. But I didn't see him. I lifted up my hand, a ball of fire in my palm.
"Where are you?" I say with aggregation.
I knew that I had Flame's personality and powers, she promised me that she would help me with this problem.
She did save me from the lion. I didn't know what to do when I saw her fire like hair and orange eyes that looked Luke they were on fire.
I shook my head and walked around, trying to find the pink man. I froze when I looked around the corner. The Ring Master was gone, a pool of her blood on the floor.
I felt the fire glow and burn larger as I felt the anger bubble in my body. "God damn it!!" I threw the ball of fire to the wall. It burst into smoke and made a large black spot on the white wall. I growled and looked outside, seeing the forest and two men, looking up at me.
And I swear I felt my eyes burst into flames.

??? POV

I panted as I carried the girl. She wasn't all that heavy, but with burns all over me, it was quite miserable. I looked at the lifeless girl, her clothes covered in blood and her eyes closed, as if she was sleeping.
I chuckled softly. "I'll get them. My dear, I bring you back to life." I walked into the darkness, laughing madly the whole way through.

Mark's POV

We waited for (your name) to get back. I stared at the flames destroy the apartment. Great now I need to get a new place. Again.
I groaned and looked back at Dark. He was outlined with orange as he look at the fire. He looked upset but yet happy as ever.
I shook my head and looked ahead.
A figure came closer to us. I looked closer, seeing (your name). I gasped and froze in fear.
She was covered in cuts and gashes, probably from a gun. She came closer before calapsing on the hard ground.
I ran over to her and grabbed her. "(Your name)!" I shook her, but she didn't open her eyes. I felt tears coming into my eyes and I touched her wounds. Growling in anger that Wilford even touched her. I'm going to kill him. I need to.
"She's alive. Just exhausted from the fight." Dark say behind me.
I wipe away my tears and carried the sleeping teen. "We need to go to the hospital."
Dark snorts. "Not a chance pretty boy. We can fox this. You just need to find a place to stay."
I hesataed for a second before replying. "Fine. I have some money for medicine and bandages. But first," I looked back at the flames. "We need to find a hotel."

Your POV (so many POVs!)

I opened my eyes half way, they were burning and were sore. I looked around the room, which soon made me sit up slowly.
"You're suppose to sleep right now." A dark voice said by my side.
I looked over to my left, seeing Dark sitting in a chair, arms crossed and his eyes closed. "What happened?" My voice was raspy and sore.
Dark opened his eyes and pointed at me. I looked down to see bandages everywhere. I blushed madly when I saw that I wasn't wearing a shirt, the wrapping covering my boobs. I covered my chest with the blanket. "Oh please don't be shy. It was Mark who did it anyways. He didn't want me to do it." He grinned.
I felt my face flush red. "Like that's any better!" That made my head throb, making me gold it in pain. "Where's Mark?"
"He's at the store. Getting food and medicine." Dark answers as he leans over in his seat.
I nod and fell back in my bed. Right, I remember about the fight. My injuries started to ache and sting. I hissed and felt my whole body go tense. "You OK?"
I shake my head. "No. Yes. I don't know anymore. There's too much madness around me."
Dark chuckles. "Good point. Want me to do anything?"
I thought long and hard, blushing in embarrassment. "There's one thing, but I don't know."
Dark shifts in his seat. "Go on."
I scooted in my bed, making some more room. "I want you to come in the bed."
Dark's face goes blank. "You want a demon that can easily kill you to sleep with you?"
"Not literally sleeping with me, just laying in here with me. It would make me feel safer."
Dark waits for a moment, then shrugs. He walks over to my bed taking off his shoes and crawling into the bed. I blushed more and more as I felt his body heat hit me. He smelt like a forest, like Mark but stronger.
"Thank you." I saw softly
He looks at me with his red eyes. He then smiled. "Its nothing, really."
I nod and sighed in exhaustion. I soon fell asleep after.

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