The Circus

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??? POV

I open my eyes, the cool air freezing them like ice. I grunt and rubbed my sore eyes.
"Shit. I fell asleep again." I growl as I got up.
The door opens in my little red room, a fimilair woman comes in. I smile and clapped. "Ah Jade! My darling. Is it time already?"
The woman smiles. "It is indeed." I looked up and down the girl. Her hair was a nice blonde, almost a pure white. Her eyes glittered red as she smiled. She did a ton of magic in the circus, mostly cade related but some dangerous ones too. She swings the door open for me and bows. "Coming?"
I bow back. "Of course, my lady."
We walked down a few hallways, some moments were I glanced to see the other freaks. Some with two head, some with no arms or legs. Quite fascinating.
We were close to the show, some man yelling and screaming. I shrugged it off and found a mirror.
I stared at my reflection, feeling butterflies in my stomach. Jade placed her swift hands on my shoulders. "You look fantastic, Ring Master."
I smile gently, which wasn't normally what I do. "Thank you. Do you think I could do it?"
Jade nods immediately. "You're crazy but you're successful too. Don't worry about it."
I nod and heard the crowd clap and cheer. It time.
I fixed my red and black tux. I ran my hand through my black and red short hair. Finally I looked into my eyes. They were a beautiful ocean blue. I always fell in love with them.
"And now ladies and gentleman, please give you're full attention to the young, and insane Ring Master! Literally, watch her and never blink. The Crazy Ring Master!" The announcer pointed his hand at me, telling me to come out into the lights.
I walked slowly into the circle of dirt, taking in all of the clapping and yelling. I went to the middle of the circle, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply.
Let's go. I flick my right hand swiftly, a loud crack filled the air. A thin long whip came in my hand, rising it and snapping the whip again. This made everyone curious but yet entertained. I pointed over to my left side, a roar ringing in my ears. A massive lion came out, it's golden eyes locked to me. I smiled wickedly and stared at the beast. It glared as I jumped towards me. I swiftly moved to the side and chuckled softly.
It was getting angry as I tried to claw into my pale flesh. But of course, I was too fast for it huge paw to hit me. I whipped the lion in its side, making him growl and roar. I walked casually to a ring, snapping my fingers as I passed it. Flames covered the ring, the heat hitting my back. I turned to face the massive, powerful lion. Its eyes glowing in the light. I went to the other side of the fire ring, whipping the air. The lion jumped through the ring, coming at me.
Just stay calm.
The beast slammed its whole body down unto the dust floor, roaring in my face. I felt the spit hutting my cheeks, but I stayed still. Stay calm. Its eyes came closer to mine, my heart racing faster and faster. I went into my jacket pocket, trying to find my finally trick. But I couldn't find it. Panic rose into my mind.
I gritted my teeth as I felt the claws dig into my sides. The lion's face came closer to mine, making the crowd to panic and scream in fear. The beast's mouth opened up, ready to eat me. I froze my muscles and closed my eyes.
Stay clam....
Nothing happened for a few seconds. The weight felt lighter than before. I opened my eyes, expecting a mad lion, but nothing was in front of me.
A small innocent mew came from my stomach. I looked down to see a small yellow kitten on my stomach.
The crowd went crazy. Applauding my success. I looked at them all, confused as hell. What did I do? I shook the dirt off of my clothes and lifted the kitten up, smiling in the process.
I placed that cat down and extended my arms, bowing down politely.
Good work, ring master.
I looked up, seeing a rather handsom man. He wore a red and white tux, like mine. His hair was short and a nice shade of black. He stared at me with an unpleasant smile, his pink mustache was clean and curly. I smiled back, but couldn't keep my eyes off of his. His brown eyes flashed into mine then snapped over behind me, shocked with a hint of fear. A loud growl came behind my back. I looked over my shoulder, seeing the lion again. It jumped towards me as I tried to move out of the way. Its claws coming close to my face. Before I could react, a sharp pain sliced down my right side of my face. I tried to look but my right eye stayed black. The lion pinned me down, leaving me defenseless. The crowd panicked more than ever. I felt the wound bleed fast and unpleasant. The claws digging into my shoulders and arms. I grunted in pain until I felt light headed. Suddenly I felt the massive lion shove off of my. Someone grabbed my tux and pulled me away. I couldn't open my eyes fully, but I saw the man stab something into the lion, making it collapse. He then turned to me, smiling madly as he licked the splat of blood off of his face. His pink mustache shinned in the lights.

Author's note~ I'm going to try to make more tonight or tomorrow morning. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you soon. See ya!

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