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I pick up a glass of water off of my nightstand. It had a sip of water left. I sighed and walked down the stairs into the kitchen, placing the glass in the sink. I turned and ran into Dark, who's eyes were glaring at me.

"I want you to clean today." He says as he starts to walk away.

I started at him, my heart thumping like I just played a horror game. I shook my head and went back into my room. I looked at my small mirror, seeing the small silver necklace around my neck. I touch the small letter D. I looked back at my bed and started to clean my room.

After a hour, the room was clean. I sighed and walk out my room. I was about to walk down the flight of stairs but saw something fly pass my head, hitting the wall behind me. I froze and looked back to the wall. A small knife stabbed into the white wall. I snapped my head back to see Dark, his eyes were closed and he was shaking his head.

"Not just your room, everywhere." He opened his eyes, his red eyes sparking to life.

I looked at him with a confused but annoyed look. "Well I didn't know that." I grabbed the throwing knife and walked down towards him. I gave him the weapon back, and walked away.

"My bedroom needs some cleaning. But don't mess around. Got that?" His voice had aggressive in it.

I waved my hand behind me. "Yeah. Got it."

I opened his bedroom door and walked in. My eyes widened as I see stacks of book everywhere. I always loved to read. Exactly when their really old. I picked up a near by book. It had no title, just a black cover that was rough. I opened it up to see a symbol that looked familiar. A demon star. I closed the book and picked up the rest. As I gathered all of the ancient looking book, I put them on his book self. Suddenly a deep red book fell next to me. I raised a eyebrow and picked it up. The red looked like the color of blood and three claw marks were on the front.

I need a break anyways, I tell myself. I opened the book, the words unreadable. I flipped around until i found a page.

'The girl with the blood red aura, swift like a fox, will come into play. She should be feared, not loved. She has the powers of a strong and deadly demon, but the heart of an angel. She is believed to destroy the world with her power, but can be the savior of the world. Don't trust her, she can turn into something dark and mysterious. Her soul is the key. Her name is...'

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, MISSY!" I hear a loud growl behind me. I dropped the book and yelped in fear. Darkiplier was at the door way, his red eyes glaring guns into my soul. He stomped up to me and grabbed the book, flipping through it. He shook his head furiously and looked back at me. He grabbed my throat and lifted me up. I gasped and grabbed his arm. He glared at me with wrath. "I told you NOT to mess around." He lifts the book up. "This is messing around!" He throws me to the other side of the room, my back slamming into the wall. I felt blood coming down my nose as I tried to sit up. I felt dizzy, about to pass out. Someone wrapped their arms around me, making me feel warm. I looked up to see Mark glare at Dark. "What are you doing? She didn't do anything!!"

Dark growled and lifted the book. "She read this! She's not supposed to, Mark!"

Mark helped me up and looked back at the demon. "She didn't mean to." He looked down at me. "Are you ok?"

I pushed him away and held my head with one hand, the other on the wall. "I was curious."

"And curiosity killed the cat! Remember that, little girl!" Dark barked back.

I felt anger rage up me. I walked up to Dark and glared at him. "I know that, you asshole! Now tell me, what is that book about!"

He looked down at me speechless. He cleared his throat and sat down on the chair. "It's about you, (your name)." He placed his fingers against the bridge of his nose, pinching it. "You are the key. And a dangerous one. Their all coming after you, young girl." He looked up at me. "And they won't show mercy."

My eyes widen and I placed my hand on my forehead. What have I gotten myself into. All of a sudden, I heard Mark thump onto his knees, grunting in pain. I rushed to him, checking his body. "What?" I ask as I stare at him.

"Speaking of the devil, one of them is here. Just for you, princess." Dark say as he grabs one of my wrist, squeezing it hard. I looked at him. "Go hide in your room. You don't want this fellow to kill you."

I hesitate and heard Mark yell in agony. I ran into my room and shut the door.

Mark's moaning stopped , but was soon introduced with a smash. I heard Dark grunt and something hard hit the wall. A chuckle broke the silence. "So, we meet again, ah Dark?"

A hiss followed after. "Oh please. You're pathetic now aren't you?"

A laugh split into my eardrum, making me cover my ears. "I'm the legendary Wilford Warfstache. I'm never pathetic."

Author's Note~ Warfstache is alive and ready to fight! Another chapter coming soon! :)

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