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Mark looked up and tried to yell, but it was already too late. I fell on top of Dark, catching him in surprise. I couldn't control my body. My fists just started to punch him, causing him to bleed black blood. I felt more anger and more amusement as I kept hitting. Dark groaned and was about to pass out until I felt someone wrap their arms under my arms, pulling me away. I flipped out and started to growl.

"Don't you ever hurt him again!" I yelled as I struggle from Mark's grip.

Dark got up shaky, wiping his wounds. He stared at me, the first time I've ever seen terror in someone's eyes. Mark yanked me. "(Your name)! You need to calm down."

I snapped my head towards him, glaring dozens of daggers into his eyes. "He tried to hurt you!"

Dark came up to me, slapping my face. My head swung to the side. I felt tears filling up my eyes. "He's right. You need to calm down."

I stayed silent. What happened? I blinked for a while then looked up. Dark's face was covered in blood. His eyes stared into my soul. He turned way and walked away for a bit. I felt Mark letting go of me. I fell on my knees and thought; what did I do?

"You went mad, that's what." Dark says, making me jump.

"You can read my mind?" I ask.

He nods and keeled down in front of me. He grabbed my face and examined it. He sighed and smiled. "Yep. You're the one." He looks at Mark and chuckles. "You hear. I saw her eyes turn red. And you know what that means."

I looked at Mark with confusion. I turned back to Dark. "What do you mean 'the one'?"

He got up and ran his hand through his hair. "You're the one who can destroy us or save us." He looked back down. "Another demon."


Dark's pov

*what he saw in the fight*

I pinned Mark against the wall, hissing in his face. "You have no idea what she possesses!"

I lifted my arm, ready to punch him. Right when my fist was coming down, I felt someone fall on top of me. I looked up to see (your name). But she looked different. Her eyes weren't (e/c), they were a crimson red. Like mine. She had a mad smile plastered on her face. She started to punch me, making my black blood ooze out of my nose and mouth. Finally, she was pulled off of me. I gasped and got up slowly, holding my face with my hands. I looked back at her, one eye.was red and the other was (e/c). I froze as I heard a voice.

'So you really found her, huh?'

I gulp down. 'I guess so.'

A laugh split into my mind. 'Good. Now remember what you have to do.'

I stayed silent before I answered back. 'I know. Take her soul.'

Your pov

I laid in my bed, one arm on my forehead. I had to think for a bit. I'm a demon? I sighed and sat up, pushing me up. I looked at the time. 3:30 a.m. I walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen. Thankfully no one was there. I grabbed a glass and filled it up with cold water. I turned around and yelped. Dark was in front of me with no expression. I held my chest, calming myself down.

"D... Dark! The hell?!" I say placing my glass down on the counter.

"I heard you. I had to come down to see if you were leaving or not." He replies with a raspy voice.

I stood up straight. "Well I kind of have to stay here. You would just hunt me down either way." I grab my glass and walked passed him. I started to walk up the stairs but stopped. "So, a demon?" I turn around to Dark, who was leaning on a wall. He nods. "So.... like you demon?"

He looked up at the ceiling and looked at me. "I guess you could say that. You're an extraordinary one that's for sure."

I nod and walked to my room, closing the door behind me. I sat down and chugged some water down. My throat felt like I just swallowed glass. I flinched and place the glass down on the table. I rested my head on the pillow, felling the warmth sooth me to sleep.

I saw me door open up but I couldn't open my eyes. I see Dark walking towards me with a knife in the dark.

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