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Mark's POV

"She's awake." Dark says.
I watched (your name) starting to stand up. At first I was relieved. She's alive.
"And it's not (your name)." Darkiplier adds.
Her head lifted up, showing bright, electric blue eyes. They glowed as she looked at Dark.
He stood there with no emotions. (Your name) threw her body at Dark, pinning him down on the table. Her grin curled up to her ears. "You're mine, Darkymoo." She hummed with a glitchy sound. (Your name) bit down on Dark's throat, making him gurgle blood. He coughed ferously until (your name) ripped out his throat.
I stared in fear as she spits the throat out of her mouth. "Dark!!" I yell out.
No answer. He laid on the table, unmoving with his blood everywhere. (Your name) looked at me with a sneer. She straighten up and smiled. "Oh he's fine. You're free. Well, dead free when I'm done with you." She nods when she finished. I felt Glitchiplier wrap his arms around my shoulders. I struggled when (your name) slowly walked towards me. I wanted to scream but something was stuck in my eyes throat. "If you didn't know, Markymoo. My name isn't (your name)." She's inches from my face. She runs a finger down my chest and stops at my stomach. She stared in my eyes, her glowing blue eyes burning mine. "I'm Virus. Just a corruption in the human soul. Your little precious girl is stuck in her own soul. She could stay there forever. Internity even." Virus licks her lips and comes closer to my face. "Too bad that she couldn't protect you or your demon. Such a shame." She chuckles, showing a row of sharp teeth. I struggle more from Glitch's grip but only to get a shock out of it. I grunt and gave up. I let my body go limp, wanting everything about this to end.
I feel something stab in my side. I gasp for air and looked up. Virus's hand lift up away from me, revealing a needle. I looked at me side, a bright blue light started to glow bigger. I started to get lightheaded as Glitch released me. I fell to the ground and gasped more. I can't breath. I can't focused. I need someone. Anyone.
I hear laughter as black dot form around me vision. "Let's take them both to Wilford."
"That idiot. I hate him."
"You won't when he gives you extreme power."
"Are you saying I'm weak?"
"Not at all, my virus."
"Fine. I'll see this Wilford guy."
The darkness took over my vision as I close my eyes.

Your POV

I fell to my knees as Mark goes limp. A tear escaping my eye.
"You know. There is a way on how to defeat this virus." I hear a darker voice behind me.
I wipe the tears away and looked at Dark. "How? Can I kill her?"
Dark grins. "You can't kill her, but you can certainly trap her in here." She holds up a blood red stone, what looked like liquid moved around inside. "This is a Blood Stone. We all have one. Even little Virus. This is your's." Dark put the stone in me hand. I stared at it then looked back at the demon. "Swallow it and you'll get out of here. Then "kill" her. She'll come back here with all of us."
I looked at the stone closer. A small red ball sparked in the stone. "But what about you? Can you die in here?"
Dark chuckled. "No. And I'm sure you don't want a demon killing you. Remember, I'm evil. I not the good guy here." She playfully smacked my arm. "Now swallow it, you idiot! Before Mark really dies."
I swiftly shoved the stone into my mouth, swallowing the whole thing whole. A strong sensation punched into my heart. I fell onto my knees from the pain, groaning as I felt the pain. The world around me spun. Suddenly, I'm falling. I yelp as I fell on a wodden floor.
"Ow! God damn it!" I yell as I rubbed my back. I got up shakily and looked around. I gasped when I realized where I was teleported. "Warfstache. This is his place." I whispered. A door opened behind me, catching me in surprise.
"WILFORD!!! WE COUGHT THE BASTARD!!" Giltch's voice rang through my head.

Author's Note~More action! Yayz. Next chapter will come later on! :3

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