Left Behind

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Your POV

Silence ran through my ears. I couldn't tell if I was deaf or if it was really quiet. I wants to check on Dark, but my body was paralyzed. A couple of seconds runs past until I feel someone grab me and carry me like a bride. I finally got to see a living being. His crimson red eyes stared down into my eyes. He checked my pulse and nodded to someone. He started to run out the building. I cought a glimpse behind Dark. Stuck on the wall was the crazy Wilford Warfstache. He glared at me as we left. My eyes glanced down to see a familiar body. His faded brown eyes seemed to stare at me.
I wanted to scream and carry him out of this hell hole. But my body didn't move towards him. It went further and further away from him.
Black dots took over my vision as I passed out.

Wilford's POV

I shot my gun at Darkiplier. I chuckled but soon felt someone shove me in a wall. I looked up to see blazing red eyes glare into mine. At first I thought it was Dark, but soon smirked as I saw the feminine eye structure. "Night! What a honor to see you my dear." I smiled at her.
The demon growled and placed her right hand in the middle of my chest. It felt like a bullet went through my soul and held me in place. I gagged as the pressure got worse as I moved.
"Don't call me "dear". You hear me?" Night snarls in my face and walks away.
I looked over to (your name), a fimilair man carrying her away. I glared at the girl as she looked at me blankly. Her (eye color) was slightly faded, but not as much as Mark's. I watch the demons leave my home, the pressure fades away. I stumble as I ran out to catches them, but I didn't see a living soul.
I pounded my fist against the wall. "Damn it! So close." I looked behind me as I hear a grunt. I see Mark move slowly and coughed. I wickedly smiled. "Well, I could always us you as bait." I walked over to the weak YouTuber and grabbed onto his shirt, lifting him up so I could see his eyes. Mark stares at me blankly. "She seems to like you. And wants to protect you as much as possible." I dragged Mark into a dark room. "So let's make that happen. Let's catch her with you." I picked him up and places him on the operation table. I grab a scalpel and opened up Mark's shirt. I placed the blade on his skin, making him flinch. "Don't worry. It will all be over soon."

Your POV

I looked down the tall building. My heart beats faster as I looked down. I wanted to vomit and walk away, as far as possible. But something told my body to jump. I didn't want to though. That was the problem. My mind triggered myself to fall. I felt the wind pick up as I fell. I flipped over on my back. I don't want to know when the ground comed up to my face. I closed my eyes and just let my body go limp. Pictures of my childhood flashed through my mind. Soon a fimilair person came into my mind. He smiled at me, his brown eyes shinny into mine. I smiled back and felt better. Suddenly, someone grabbed onto my wrist. I yelp in shock as I looked at the owner of the hand. Tears filled my eyes. "Mark." I whisper as he pulls me to safety.
He hugs me and rocks back and forward. "(Your name)."
I smiled. "Mark. I'm glad you're OK."
Suddenly, I felt colder. Fear filled into my mind. "(Your name)." Mark's voice sounded deep and darker. Worse than Darkiplier's. I looked up slowly and froze in fear. Mark's eyes were all black. His skin was a sick grey. He smiled at me, his sharp canine teeth shins in the darkness. "Why did you leave me?"
I opened my mouth to answer but was shoved out of the building. I reached my arm out, trying to catch onto something, but couldn't. I felt a lump in my throat. I wanted to save you, Mark. But I'm dead. I fell my body smash into the earth.

I jolted up awake in a bed. A cold sweat covered my forehead. I screamed a bit and stopped as I feel a warm hand hold me down.
"(Your name), its OK. It over, your safe." I gear Dark's voice.
"Its not OK! Mark's gone!" I yelled back and felt my tears fall down my face. Dark stared at me shocked. "And its your fault! We could have saved him!"
I cried and cried, the lump in my throat getting worse. "You know what, you're right." I looked up. Dark's head was down as he spoke. "But he's gone. I couldn't do anything about it. And don't worry about him, he's safe now."
I whip away my tears and stared at Dark. "What about his fans?"
Dark smiles creepily. "They like me. Besides, I can act like Mark too."
I wanted to yell at Dark, but was interrupted by the door swinging open, showing a similar teen girl with glowing red eyes. "Oh, she's awake."
I jumped up. "Why are you here?" I yelled.
"I got out of your soul." She smiled.
"But.... What... Dark i thought.."
"It's Night. I like Night better." Night stops me.
"OK, Night. But why are you physically here?" I asked.
Night walked over to a chair and sat down. "Well, when you were teleported, the barriers went down. So I came out and found Dark." She says calmly.
I shook my head softly. A headache surged through my head. "I can't believe he's dead. How could he be? How am I now died?"
"Well, your soul is quite complex. But if um right, your kind if like a black cat. You know, the ones that have 9 lives." Night says as she grins. "The only problem is that I took three if those lives. Plus the other times you've died. I would have to say that you have three more left." She teeth flash white in the dim light. "Hopefully those other versions didnt take any lives, or else you're died."
My eyes widen as I looked at Dark. His pale white arms were crossed one another. His back up against the wall as he stared at me. "She's telling the truth. You don't have enough time." His eyes looked up in the ceiling. "Including me. I took some of Mark's lives. But Virus killed me and those other times I've died. Shit, I'm down to three, too." Dark sighed, a small amount of black smoke escaped his mouth as he smiled back at me. "And Wilford never stops until he gets what he wants. Believe me when I say that, my dear."

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