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Your POV

How could I be so blind? I'm the one. The world didn't just need a hero; they needed a sacrifice.

I open my eyes slowly, hoping that um not too late. I'm not luckily. My hand was wrapped around Dark's wrist, stopping the dagger from stabbing my head. The weapon was so close, but I was calm. I need to do this. I sat up still holding my demon.

"What are you doing?!" She growls at me.

I didn't answer. Just stared at her and focused. Now, break her free. I snapped Dark's pale hand back, a loud snap sent into the night air. Dark scream from agony as she drops her dagger and holds her broken hand. "H.... How the fuck did you do that?"

I glared at her, not replying. I walked near her and stopped to pick up the black dagger on the ground. It was heavy, perfect. I looked back at my dark demon, her red eyes wide from terror. I don't blame her. I would be scared too.

I swiftly went up to Dark, her red eyes up to my (eye color) eyes. And a quick stab went by. Dark fell from the impact, grabbing onto my shirt with her. I fall on top of Dark, her black blood pooling on the grass. Her dark red eyes looked up into mine. "I see now." I finally looked at her with fear. She looked like me, just dark and pale (if that makes any sense). She smiled, but not a evil smile. A happy, passionate smile. "Your killing yourself... To save everyone." Her smile pools out blood. "Because that's the only way." She coughs, making a droplet of her blood on my cheek, slowly falling down my face. "Well then, miss (first name), I'll see you in hell."

And that was it. Her red eyes blurred and her hand let's go of my shirt. I take out the dagger and got up, looking at the versions of Mark, including the original. Mark and Darkiplier were released from Grim and Wilford. "Are you really going to do it?" Mark asks sheepily.

I nod. "I have to."

Mark walks up to me and hugs me tightly. "Please..."

I hug him back, might as well for the last time. "Its OK, Mark. I'm going to save you and everyone else."

Mark let's go and backs away. Darkiplier comes up next, his red eyes glowing. He places a hand on my cheek. "God damn it, (your name). I should have killed you right away if I knew."

I laughed. "Well, it sucks to be you, now doesn't it?"

He smiles and chuckled. "I'm sorry that I didn't."

Wilford casually walks up next, practically pushing Dark away. The pink man lifted my hand up and kissed it. "Its been a pleasure, madam (your name). Even though you killed me."

"You mean Night?"

Warfstache laughed. "Its basically you too." He bows. "Good bye."

Grim looked at me, his white eyes staring. "Even though I never knew you; I can tell that you're very brave." He nods his head slightly. "And I'm sorry that we didn't know each other."

I nod back. "Its OK." I too a breath in, holding the dagger in my right hand, aiming for my chest. I breathed out and looked at the men. They were smiling, but I can tell that they wanted to scream stop in their eyes. I took another breath in, tears in my eyes. And it all was ending with a quick stab into my chest. The blood pouring out of my stab wound and mouth. Looking back at the others, they stayed still rather from fear or they didn't want to come close.

I laugh softly for the last time. "I guess this is good bye."

Author's note ~ well crap. There's only one more chapter and this is all over. Its been crazy so thanks for reading this far. Don't worry, I'll make more. If you haven't read my other Markiplier fan fiction, its call Save Me. Its cool I guess. Idk. See yeah lovelies later! :D

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