Chapter 32

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The car ride was quiet, silent nothing was heard all of us were in our own world's. The only thing that could be heard was the engine nothing more.

I know we should be celebrating because after today or tonight we're not going to be grounded anymore. But how can we be happy knowing that were going to a dinner seeing people we don't like.

Also me I'm a little on edge after yesterday's conversation with my family about Roy. My brothers are capable of doings things.

I don't want blood in my hands of a guy I bearly met yesterday c'mon just no. The only blood i wont mind is my brothers because of me except the younger ones. Those i love more than the older ones.

Don't tell them I said that.

As i was I'm my thoughts i turn to the window to see the scenerie passing by, tree after tree that's it just a bunch of trees.

But nature is beautiful of how everything goes with everything. The color scheme is just a breathtaking view.

Bryan should paint it, ok I'm getting out of my own world, weird. After counting tree after trees i turn in my seat to see my brothers in the back seats.

In the first row near us was Cody and Matt like always Matt was reading and Cody was reading a formula book. 'Were in the world did he get that' I think but only him he loves math so much. After them is the twins Bryan was drawing in his sketch book while the idiot of his twin was being an idiot. Then lastly in the last seat was Patrick now him he was in his world like everyone else but he had his thinking face on.

What could he thinking about this early morning were not even in the school yet, huh interesting. I do one last glance at them and sit right in my seat.

Well might as well look out the window to count more trees then.

Few more trees counted the van comes into a sudden stop.

"Were here" John was right the school was right there, students walking in or staying outside with there friends. We were all about step out the van when John stops us.

"Before you step out I want to say tonight no matter what we stick together we need to" Johns blue eyes search for our own blue eyes and Matt's brown ones.

We nod in agreement tonight we need to stick together or else will be hunted down by those blood suckers.

Then especially after what happened at the last time we went to one, one of us got food poisoning ' it was Ryan'. Since then we stopped attending, now I wonder why they want us to go to this one.

"Ok then get off you little demons and see you after school" John says we listen. When we all get off we see him drive off leaving a cloud of dust behind.

"Ok guys we need a plan for tonight we can't separate or else we all get picked" we agree with Patrick to survive tonight we need a plan.

"Ok well now we separate but at lunch we will all wait outside the lunchroom for eachother understood" Patrick says walking backwards.

"Ok" we say in union and he turns and walks to his new best friend leaving me and the others also separating.

Yeah at school we don't need to but dinners yes we're the prey and there the predators.

I walk inside the building fixing my backpack as I walk the halls were getting full of students as I look at my watch it read 7:40 am 20 more minutes for school to start.

I let out a breath and continue walking to my locker when i run into a freaking wall but once I make sense i notice it wasn't a wall.

I look up to see a pair of blue eyes looking right at me, Roy. Then i wonder how come I didn't fall that's when I feel the heat from my lowerback.

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