Chapter 44

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We step in the house none of us making any noise, I was right about the atmosphere it felt heavy. Can't believe that this happened because we couldn't keep our mouths shut, ugh.

"Mother, I can't believe you kept this from me we almost lost her and you didn't tell me anything!" Cameron's voice is heard coming form the kitchen. Damn, he must've seen Andy and now he's yelling at mother. Reminder all of us have a temper as we witness Cody's today and now Cameron's, now a pissed off soldier ain't a good combination.

"We didn't tell you Cam because a lot happen ok that we didn't want to worry you" mom sweet voice is heard but not her normal one. She's broken that she had to keep Cam in the dark, there's another reason on why we didn't tell him that's because he would go to the ass house and beat him death.

That's why mother decided to keep it form him.

"Mother I almost lost my little sister last year and you didn't want to tell me! Mom when it comes to my siblings you better tell me and stop keeping secrets because you haven't told me on why you moved from Baltimore to a small town in Montana!" I can clearly picture Cam is trying his best to calm down. Mom stays quiet "well that settles it I'm going to try an talk to my baby sister" he sighs and I see him walk out the kitchen clearly pissed. Once I see his figure disappear upstairs I go into the kitchen to see mom sitting on a bar stool, head in her hands looking down. Without saying a word I know how she feels, she believes that these is all her fault. That she kept the oldest of us in the dark, but it was a family choice we didn't want Cam to be coming home half way through his job. I don't walk in fully to the kitchen I just stand in the doorway seeing my mother break. As I hear her sniffle she then looks up and her blue eyes land on me. She then cleans her shed tears and gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

We did this, we caused this pain to comeback since we couldn't keep our freaking mouths shut. I return her smile then leave her, if I stayed they're I would've broken down too.

I walk to the living room to see my twin sitting in the couch next to Patrick, probably feeling like complete douchbags. I ignore them making my way up the stairs stopping to hear Cameron's voice, sounding kind and gentle talking through Andy's closed door. "Baby, sis c'mon open up please" he's voice breaks, he then looks around the hallway his blue eyes stopping at me. His eyes are filled with unshed tears, we practically ruined our family in one freaking day.

These is much worse than the R.V trouble. I look away from my big brother feeling more like shit than I already did, and continue my walk to my bedroom.

In my bedroom I close the door behind me and throw myself to my bed. I lay there looking at he ceiling, taking off my glasses I rub my eyes feeling beat from today. I want to cry to be honest I do but I also know that I have to be strong, and plan to make this a least better.

Hours later

I had fallen asleep through all my thinking. That when I woke I saw Ryan was in the room sitting in his bed looking out the window that's across from him. He looked so into his own world, maybe feeling the same way I am. Of course he looks a like a blurry figure but I would squint a little to see him kinda ok.

"Hey" he says after a few seconds pass I simply answer him with a 'hmm' that's it. Then the silence falls again, when out of nowhere we hear a crash coming from downstairs. My twin turns to me, I quickly get my glasses off my night stand and rush out the room whit Ryan behind me.

Then another crash is heard, 'what is going on' I ask myself as I reach the last step I go to where I believe the crash came from.

I stop when I see the view in front of me, Cam on top of John 'what happen' I look to also see mom and Patrick trying to separate them.

"Cam let him go!" mom yells at him but he continues to throw punches "John stop!" Patrick tries to pull him away. But as Cam is bigger than him he has to move him off of him. I then go over to them to help mom and Patrick. "Cam stop, just please stop" mother tries again but no they continue not saying anything. Like dogs they're just attacking, "Cameron Johnson and John Johnson stop this instant!" Mom immediately goes fully mom mode, because the two of them stop and the sight of them weren't pretty. John had a busted lip, bruised cheek, cut eyebrow and Cam had a bruise eye, cut lip and that's all.

They simply stand feet away from each other looking at each other, with hate they had never been like this. "Look you two are adults start acting like it!" mother says sternly at them which they don't break their little staring contest.

"Look Cam we all decided not to tell you because you were over seas, serving so..." "mother don't if I wasn't here the next older brother should've been there" Cam glares at John. "Don't both of you stop it" mom stands in between them, hell is breaking lose and it's all because of us not doing our jobs as big brothers. I walk away from them, I need to clear my head. Completely ignoring what's happening in the living room i head back upstairs when I hear something from behind the closed doors.

I walk where I believe it's coming from. I stop in front of Andy's room, I then press my ear to her door and I hear her...

'Im so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone'

She's singing, the only way that she can actually let out what's she's feeling. I step back and take a seat next to her door, my back against the wall sitting on the floor. With my elbows resting on my knees and head on my hands, listening to her let all her emotion into the song.

'These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase'

I pick up my head, looking up at the ceiling trying my best to not burst in there to hold her. Again she needs time she needs... no she's not going through this alone she needs me she needs a big brother.

I make my decision, I stand up and walk into her bedroom without knocking. I look around her room to she that she wasn't there "Andy" I call out, when she stops singing. She then steps into her room now the sight of her breaks my heart, she looks broken, just like last year.

"Bryan, what do you want?" her voice is heard like a whisper. She's looks so vulnerable her blue eyes seem foggy from all her unshed tears, my little sister.

"Andy" I walk towards her and hug her resting my cheek on top of her head. Immediately she wraps her own arms around me and begins to sob into my shirt. "Andy, I'm so sorry I should've been there when you..." I begin "no Bry just shut up and hold me" she says. I smile and do what she requested I hug her, this is what she wanted last year a big brother who would hold her and tell her... "it's ok Andy, it's ok to cry" I tell her.

Everything is going to be ok.

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