Chapter 16

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We were still waiting for the teacher to arrived but no.

The teacher was taking there sweet time wherever he/she is. Whatever I go back to my drawing and trying to block out my stupid twin.

He's always like that talking in class like if nothing matters to him.

How are we even twins or even related were the total opposites he's the talker 'the social butterfly' while I'm the other twin. 

Is always like that I'm the other one, but then in our old school yes i pretend to be him. But for good his ex was cheating on him with his so called best friend.

We're not close as people expect us to be no but I'll take care of him were still brothers no matter what.

I was so into my drawing that i didn't even hear the teacher walking in "ok class today will be doing..." my eyes find hers.

A young women who is I'm guessing in her 30's "class i forgot to mention we have two new students in here" she goes back to talk to everyone.

"Ok i hear we have new students joinning us, can you come up here to introduce yourself" "ok yes!" That was my stupid twin.

I turn to him and he's making his way to the front of the class. Sometimes I hate his stupid social butterfly.

"What up new students I'm Ryan Johnson and I'm an awsome person" time to block him out.

I don't like introducing myself i just hate all eyes on me the total opposite of my twin.

But my lovely brother had to ruin it. "Also im not the only new student in this classroom welcome my lovely partner in crime Bryan come up here".

I think i should call mom  to tell her to buy a coffin for my brother today.

"Bryan get up here" he walks towards me "c'mon bro introduced yourself" he tries to pull me from my seat.

But faith is not with me and since his much muscular  than me he success. "Good now tell them your name" Ryan stands next to me.

I look at him and fix my glasses were they belong "I'm Bryan Johnson" i simply say.

Then i hear the teacher "so you guys are related" really she's a teacher we have the same last name, birth year and birthday is in the freaking roster.

"Yes we are were twins but I'm the oldest" my brother's cokyness doesn't go unnoticed, but i have to talk before he starts with his shit.

"Yes we are but don't confuse us that's all we ask from you guys are fellow classmates" i say looking at each of them. "Yes don't confuse us I'm much hotter than him so it won't be hard" there he goes, I turn to the teacher. 

"Can i sit down already ma'am" i really don't want to be here next to him "oh yes and welcome to English class" she says.

I nod at the and take my seat then i see Ryan go back to his.

This is going to be a long class with him here.


Patrick's P.O.V

My first class was ok now I'm in my second class which  is art class i don't even know how I got this class.

One i suck at drawing and two i really dispice this class is just so boring to find your 'inner artist' and i don't have one.

I take a seat far away from the teachers desk one) i hate it when they just stare at me two) well I don't like being near them.

I sit down and begin to look around the whole class was talking when someone bumps into me.

'The fuck' I turn to punch whoever it was but then remembered  I'm grounded 'mother efing'. I still turn to see the person it was a girl "" i bearly hear her.

"It's ok it was an accident" I give her a small smile she looks up and i take in her features she had red hair, glasses. She was wearing a oversize hoodie, skinny jeans, and converse.

We stare for awhile when i hear the rest laughing "oh look Robin is talking to a guy how cute" i hear a girl. "Wait i thought she couldn't talk to male species because of her stupid shyness" a guy "but i thought she was a lesbian" another girl.

I look at the girl and she runs out the classroom, I'm a little shocked because i wanted to talk to her.

But i guess not i sigh well I should prepare myself for boredom.

Minutes later the class shuts up and the teacher walks in, it was a guy teacher cool.

He was talking to the whole class when his attention falls to me. Damn i have to introduce myself,fuck.

"Ok artist i have information that a new student is joining us" he's still staring towards me.

Then he takes a hold of a paper "ah mr. Johnson" again his attention is at me. "Mr. Johnson can you introduce yourself in front of the class" he gesture to me to stand up.

OK, i nod and make my way to the front "so mr . Johnson why don't you tells us about yourself".

I turn to see him sitting on the edge of his desk "ok my name is Patrick Johnson, I'm 18 and i love to play football" i say. Well that's mostly it i don't like getting into my life or telling people about my family much.

The class stays quiet just staring at me ok I'm a little terrified. "Ok good anything else mr. Johnson?" The teacher smiles.

I nod a no, "ok then you can take your seat" i listen and take my seat.

The rest of this class is going to be boring i can just tell.

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