Chapter 42

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I cried when writing this chapter I hope you guys like it

"What do you guys want?" I don't bother looking up at them, none of then say anything they're just there watching me I know they are. It's freaking me out that I kinda lost my appetite, thanks to my siblings. I put my sandwich down on my tray at that I decide to look up at them, my blue eyes seeing them while theirs look back at me. As I expected Ryan was across from me Bryan next to him and Patrick was on my right.

I then push my tray away form me so I can rest my elbow on the table and my chin on my palm, "so you guys are going to tell me why we're you following me this morning or I simply hurt you now". I look at all three of them because right after I said that they tense up and a smirk appears on my lips, they should already know on how I get revenge. It's not a very pretty scene when I'm done.

"Wha...what are you talking about little sis?" Bryan is the first one to speak, he's looking right at me with his blue eyes. Also I should give him credit, make the sibling with glasses speak first, smart boys. I don't answer him because my gaze falls on his twin sitting next to him who's swallowing nervously making his Adams Apple move up and down, his nervous now for me is a good thing. Also it makes my smirk even bigger if possible since he's also sweating, poor dude. I keep on looking at him with my intense glare my blue eyes watching him squirm under it, I want him to break, i want him to tell me the truth one way he will snap. Reminder I gave him a swollen nose, now that's one thing I can do but I can do much worse. But when I'm really pissed off because of them my list consists of shaving their hair, I did it once and I'll do it again. Yeah, got in serious trouble for that but it was worth it the pictures and all.

Now if Ryan wants to wake up bald he can lie through his teeth right now, right to my face. "Look Andy we told you to stay away from that guy" Patrick begins "why don't you?" Bryan asks, I look away from Ryan and I sit back down with my hands in my lap. My gaze going to each of them, so this about Roy what's they're problem I'm just talking to the guy. As he's one of the guys in this school that I don't want to snap his neck he comes in second after Cody, my brothers well they have their moments. "Yes Andrea we told you to not hang out with him" Ryan stops to think what's he's going to say next "their is something up with him that I can't put my finger on" really. By now my patience disappears when they sat down in this table, so they can talk about who in the world I can and can't talk too.

Ugh, I know they're my big brothers they worry but I'm a big girl that knows how to trust people. That asshole from my past opened up my eyes now Roy is just a dude that I talk to I won't make him anything else, I'm not getting to attach to him. Did that once never again, "look little sis we love you so we don't want to see you get..." I cut off Patrick "hurt!" that's it I snapped making the loud cafeteria quiet down. "Andrea calm down we just want to talk that's..." "stop it all of you I'm fucking tired of hearing this bullshit, I know you don't trust the guy is not like I'm telling you to fucking love him!" I stand up slamming both of my hands on to the table. I'm looking at the table I don't want to see them or I know I will get pissed well more than I already am.

"Andrea Marie Johnson" oh, there he goes the 3 oldest saying my full name just like a parent "we don't want you to get to close to that guy friends or not stay the hell away for him!" Patrick stands too, trying to intimidate me. Then it goes on with Ryan "Andrea, we just think it's better if you just stay away from him because then it comes down to trusting him. Then if you do you might get..." he stops as if trying to find the right words. But I suggest he says the correct ones because by now my hands are fist. "Look Andy I know right now that we are not your favorite people but we worry because we care about you" his twin speaks next, uh I shake my head side to side as I'm trying to understand right now. Where in the hell are they getting to here "Andy" Patrick begins but that's it I'm fucking done "shut up already I don't want to hear it anymore" I say low and dangerous.

But they don't listen "Andy were just trying too..." " I said shut up!" I hit the table. "I know you guys love me and you worry about me but I can fucking take care of myself ok I'm a fucking big girl. Last year i was practically on my fucking own. Ok and where the hell were my big brothers even after I told you everything from all the shit that I had gone through what did you say!" I snap at them I want them to answer me so I look at all three of them "TELL ME!" I command "that it was just a face" Patrick whispers then he looks away. "Exactly that it was a fucking face, I needed you guys then I needed my big brothers but no they had other shit to worry about than they're little sister! Then, then when I wanted to fucking ended you guys fucking decided to act like older brothers!" by now I know I have watery eyes.

Then Patrick comes near me trying to comfort me but I step back "don't touch me" I say every emotion from last year coming back. "And now that I'm simply talking to a guy you want me stop because you think I'm going to do the same crap from last year. Well your fucking wrong because that shit I had to go through you guys left me alone. I had to go through it alone, I came home looking for someone to hold me to tell me it's ok and where the hell were all of you!" the tears begin to fall. But I'm not stopping now i want them to fucking understand. "Look at this!" I pick my sleeve up to show them the scar "these was the only way that I got the attention from my big brothers, trying to end my own fucking life you all came running! But when I needed a big brother, a shoulder to cry on you all turn away. So do me a fucking huge favor from now on I can talk to whoever I want to and be friends to whoever I want to. Because you guys don't have a fucking saying into my friends anymore you lost that right last year when you fucking decided to ignore me!" That's it I'm done I don't want to be here anymore, I get my tray and backpack then leave them they're. I'm going to call mom to come pick me up, I walk out the lunchroom feeling everything again.

Ugh, I rush to the bathroom to wet my face, I then get my phone out of my pocket to dial mom.

I call her and she picks up on the second ring "hello" I hear her voice, I clean another year that falls "mom come pick me up" my voice breaks. I want to cry and I promised myself that I won't buts writhing I felt is coming back.

"Andy sweetie are you all right?" I hear the worry in her voice but I'm far gone the wall I had build up is breaking just like I am. I get near the wall and slide down letting the stupid years fall "mom...please...come I say between sobs. Now I became that girl again the one that broke but I was fixed back but now I'm broken again. Mom now is worried that she quickly says that she'll pick me up, I tell her to hurry and hang up.

I can't believe that I broke down that stupid wall. Right now I just want to go home, I need to stay away from them just like I did last year leaving my family behind.

Patrick P.O.V

I wanted to go after her to hold her my little sister, she broke down I wanted to hold her when I saw her watery eyes but she pushed me away. But she's right where the hell was I when she practically came home with puffy red eyes, oh I was living my own life. I should've listen, I should've been the big brother since Cam and John weren't home.

She came to me with her problems but I decided to push her away, everything she said it seemed that I was losing my sister again but now she's done she won't talk to me I just know it. To none if us actually, when she was saying all that a tear escaped my eyes to see her like that again. The broken girl that I hated seeing I wanted my little sister back the girl who could beat us in everything.

I sit back down resting my hands on the table seeing them. None of us said a word, what could we say our little sister practically told us that she hated us. Why wouldn't she we brought back the emotions from last year that she shut away but now, now we can't do anything.

My little sister.

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