Chapter 35

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We had been here for an hour and I'm losing it, literally I'm bored that I want to be in mr. Old geysers class right now. It would be better than this see i hate dinners so much I want to be in the old geysers class instead of this.

The entire time we had been sitting down just watching the other guest talking, dancing and some well laughing.

"Ugh I want to leave already" Patrick whined for the hundredth time since we been here. But what can I say this is so, booooorrrriiinnnggg. With a capital B, I look at the rest and I can tell there bored as hell. Ryan was running his finger over the glass filled with water, his twin was playing with the leftover lettuce he eat, Matt and Cody were talking about something. The older ones I believe John fell asleep a while after we eat, Patrick was just simply looking around the area. How can mom and dad punish us this way, they hate us because they dragged us here.

As I'm looking around the 'snobs' excuse me the important people in here. Yeah, alot of them think they come from royalty my bum they don't know the first thing of humanity. Ok, ok I need to stop myself before I go all vulgar on them.

"Ok I'm going to the restroom" I say while standing up from my chair, I was walking to the restroom direction when I see someone walking next to me. "Can I help you?" I say still walking I really need to pee, damn water went right thru me "yeah remember groups" Ryan says as someone walks by my other side. His twin, I look at them both and simply shrug whatever I just need to hurry to the restroom.

The walk there was quiet the twins were just looking around when I see some girls checking well checking Ryan out. Poor Bryan doesn't get any action what so ever. But he completely ignores them, now that's something new for him ignoring the girls that are throwing them selves at him. Wow, so heartbreak does stop you from doing other things, or he's simply dying inside since the girls are snobby bitches.

He he, I laugh to myself.

When I'm standing in front of the restroom door I look over at my brothers who are each standing on either side of me facing front. They look like bodyguards if I do say so myself "ok I'll be right back" I tell them before I enter the restroom. When I open the door, I'm actually amazed of how it looks, it was actually nice from the walls, to the floor, from everything else .

After I finish up I go the hall to see my brothers were not there, weird waht happen to sticking together. Well here goes nothing, I straighten my dress and begin walking to our table. As I walking I felt weird that I couldn't actually pin it, I felt cautious of my surroundings, as every step I take someone was watching me. But I need to push it away and go back to my family at our table where I see three seats are empty, mine of course and also the twins, I thought they came back to sit down but I guess not.

When i reach the table I sit down and look at the idiots that are still here "Where's Ryan and Bryan?" I ask Patrick as he still looking around at the other guest mentally judging them, I tell myself. He shrugs not looking at me, what? were the hell are they we were supposed to stick together. Then I turn to the youngest that were still talking "Um, Cody , Matt do you guys know were the twins are?" I lean on the table to hear them. They look at me then eachother then back to me "sorry Andy we don't we saw them go after you" Cody says.

Then they go back to their conversation, we lost two tonight so sad let's see what mom thinks of the new room. What?, their gone those blood suckers have them now, such a shame thoe they were... well... nothing, nothing comes to mind.

I stay in my seat looking around just looking at people and the twins haven't come back, see there gone for good. So yeah me looking around when my eyes land on the buffet table, and what I saw had me stand up from my chair and walking towards it. It was so beautiful and wow it was a chocolate fountain that, oh my god it looked amazing. I think by now I'm drooling, when I reach the goodness I see around it they were treats for it, strawberries, marshmallows, to rice treats to more.

The first thing I get was a red strawberry and dip into it, when it's coverd halfway with chocolate I pick it up and bite into it. A moan escaping from its deliciousness, I had my eyes close enjoying it so much when someone clears there throat to get my attention.

I slowly open my eyes to see a dude standing in front of me, he was ok if I say so but he had that 'I'm better than you aurora' that I had come to hate this many many years. He was build from i can tell, he looked no more than 18 I presume, he had sandy blonde hair groomed to perfection. He was also taller than me by I'm guessing 6 ft but what got my attention more were he's emerald eyes they looked sweet but also they had a meaning under them.

I eat the rest of my strawberry and clap my hands together and stand right on this freaking heels "can I help you?" The bitcheness in my voice doesn't go unnoticed.

He just stands there checking me out, ass he's lucky I'm behaving to get my baby back or else he would've been coverd with chocolate top to bottom. I'm so violent man who thought just one year can make me like this.

"Well, hello there my name is Colin Jones" he extends his hand for me to shake which me I look at cautiously just in case, also that name sounds so familiar when it hits me. I should've recognized those eyes of his the Petersons, I know that their daughter went out with the Jonas son or should I mean heir. Back in Baltimore I saw a newspaper article where the Petersons daughter and Jones son were dating for awhile. Yeah, wait if he's here than that could mean that evil bitch is here too, damn.

"So your not going to be polite sweetie" the dudes voice breaks my thoughts, I eye him carefully again, of course I know who he's family is he's father owns most of all the oil rigs.

So pretty wealthy family now I know why she dated him, oh poor girl.

"Sorry" I say after a while and shake his hand, seconds after I take it back "so what's your name sweetie?" he ask then i see him eyeing the treats trying to pick one. Now me should I tell him my name or nah, decisions, decisions. Well I'm never going to see him again right well let's do this.

"Andrea" I say with a fake ass smile "Andrea?" He says my name "wow I had never heard that name before" he says while getting a strawberry from its platter and bite into it. "Yeah, well that's my name now I gotta go" I point to my table and he looks at me "so soon I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to dance" he smiles.

I keep my fake smile "yeah sorry I don't dance Colin now I gotta go" I was turning on my heel when I'm stopped, I turn back to face him, "is just one dance" he says, I look at him then his hand. Did he really do that asshole can't take a hint can't he "look buddy I don't want to dance with you ok now let go before you get hurt" I say as calmly as I can.

"Buddy?" He questions "wow sweetie don't you have manners I just want to dance with a beautiful girl I can't or what?". I release my arm from him and turn my body fully to face him with crossed arms "look I know who you are ok and I'm not interested at all ok dude" I tell him.

By now I'm kinda losing my cool, what's up with me and blonde people for goodness sakes. "Look Andrea sweetie alot of people say they know me but its all lies" at that I laugh sure, of course I know how he is, his a snotty rich boy who is totally heartless. "Look Colin I don't give a ..." Damn I stop myself before I start cursing his ass off, I see him raise his eyebrow at what was I about to say.

"You don't give a what?" He ask "nothing I won't dance with you and if you want some stupid girl that would actually dance with you talk about your savings account and viola you can dance with most of these girls."

I give a smile then walk away back to my table where the twins are already sitting bored out of their minds like the rest of us. Also good thing none of them saw me talking to Colin or things would have been bad for us Johnsons. I take my seat and look to were I left Colin, he's looking right at me with a amused smile.

Why do I have a feeling that this is not the last I see of him.

Ugh, I turn back around to look at my relatives I really want to go home.

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