Chapters 43

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Patrick's P.O.V

After a long day of feeling like shit the day finally ended. So right now I'm waiting for Andy so I can apologize to her, as I was looking at the crowd of students coming out the front doors I didn't see her. I then look around the patio where I see the twins standing there seeing through the doors too, I'm guessing that they're waiting for her too. I begin to make my way towards them when "Patrick" I stop in my tracks to see who called me, so I turn my head slowly to see Dom walking towards me. To be honest right now I can't deal with him, all day I have ignored him I just wanted to feel like shit on my own. That's all I ask for, "hey man you alright?" Dom ask when his right in front of me I give a nod "yeah man I just gotta go talk to my bros see ya tomorrow all right" I pad his shoulder. He simply nods as he can see that I feel like shit "alright man see ya tomorrow" he says with a small smile. Yeah, I'm in no mood to talk to anyone except my family. I say bye to Dom one last time before we go our separate ways, I continue walking to the twins. "Where is she?" I hear Bryan ask to no one in particular so I simply stand next to him looking at the doors.

Waiting for her but she doesn't show after a few minutes we finally give up. "Well let's go wait for Cam or John" Ryan sighs, me and his twin agree "wait! doesn't Andy sit under a tree" Bryan says with hope that she might be there.

Immediately we go to the spot where we found her waiting for our oldest brother. When I see the tree I see that it was alone not even Cody was there like always.

I look at the twins all of us have the same expression, "you idiots!" we hear someone say behind us clearly pissed off. In me I hope it's Andy but we all turn to see Cody walking towards us with a look that I had never seen before. He's mad, at that realization the twins turn to me with wide eyes ok I'm not the only one who sees him like that.

"Hey Co..." Ryan greets him which Cody glares at him, "you are all meat heads aren't you, Matthew told you to freaking trust her to freaking TRUST HER!" Cody snaps at us making us flinch back. We don't see this side of Cody never, I mean never "that's all to fucking trust your little sister but no the idiotic big brothers can't freaking do that. One simple thing to fucking trust Andy but no you can't that's all she wants for you guys to trust her. Is not like she's fucking the guy for goodness sakes and telling everyone about it" now I'm terrified of Cody. Because he begins to pace back and forth he let's out a breath "I was eating lunch with robo dudes when i get a freaking text message from my big sister that she was getting picked up. And I know Andrea she doesn't get picked up unless it was something serious for mom to only pick her up. So I think the oldest idiots the only ones in this school did something to her. When I finally realize that you couldn't leave her alone couldn't you!" at that he looks at us all of us. His blue eyes have become darker, like we get when we're pissed.

"Look you had to fucking bring her pass can you guys just fucking listen for once in your freaking life's. She's gone through hell last year and this year is no different because her dear big brothers can't fucking leave the freaking subject alone. I saw my only sister break down in front of me while you idiots didn't listen, I did but I couldn't do anything since she wanted her older brothers" I see his eyes begin to water.

"I almost lost my only sister because of all the bullshit then you go and remind her of it. Why can't you guys just stop be big brothers and fucking trust her, that's all she ask for from you guys that's the least you can do or leave her the hell alone" we all hear a honk. Cody stops pacing and turns to see the van "start acting like big brothers" he says then he walks away leaving me and the twins terrified. Cody has never cursed in his life, he acts like a better big brother than us.

The atmosphere in the van felt heavy, Cody was sitting in the passenger side next to John. John hasn't made eye contact with none of us now I feel worser if even possible. I rest my head on the back of the seat and look up at the gray ceiling. When we get home hell will break lose I can feel it.

Bryan's P.O.V

The ride home was quiet, it felt dark the entire van none of us spoke. Even right after we picked up Matt we didn't say anything, John doesn't make eye contact with us, none of us. Ugh, I barely got her to forgive for the stupidity in the R.V and now she hates me. We broke our little sister, I saw how her eyes became watery she was breaking that wall she created after everything.

The words that she said are playing in my head like a freaking record player, she was right I didn't help her when she asked. Ugh, I run a hand through my hair now what are we going to do we came here to start again to forget everything but the pass came back. And it was our fault, mine Pat's and Ryan's we hurt are only sister emotionally the worst pain anyone could go trough. I look out the window trying my best to distract myself but all the trees don't work, I then turn to see my brothers. My twin was looking out the window then at Pat who's resting his head looking at the vans ceiling, when we get home everything will... well I really don't know.

The house finally comes to view, now a I'm not ready to go in there not quite yet. John parks the van in the drive way where I see mother's car. "Get off" I hear John tell us but he sounded angry why wouldn't he, he knows what happened and he want to hurt is in any possible way. John gets off slamming the drivers door then I see him walk to the front door, the rest of us listen and step out. Now every step I take getting closer to the door gets heavier the entire atmosphere did.


"Mom is she going to be ok?" I had asked mother the same thing for the passed hours. My mother seemed so broken, but we got to her just in time she had lost a lot of blood. A lot of blood, now we're in the hospitals waiting room waiting form some news. Any actually, my little sister is in there possibly dying and it's our fault she wanted us she needed us but we didn't listen.

"Mom" I hear Matts voice "yes baby" my mothers sweet voice trying her best to not break down. "Mommy don't worry Andrea is going to be fine she's a fighter and a Johnson she's strong" at that I look over my baby brother.

What he said, I see his little face to see that he isn't in the condition the rest of us are. We look dead, puffy red eyes, we haven't slept for a while. like I said she lost a lot of blood that they had to do a blood transfusion but they didn't have her type. So it took longer that they had to check all of us for the same blood type, the positive one was only Cody and Matt but mother didn't want Matt to do it. So Cody stepped up to donate some of his blood and now she's still in surgery, and the doctor hasn't come out to tell us anything. I slouch back in my chair just listening to Matt tell mom on how everything's going to be ok.

But is it really going to be ok she's still in there, and us out here waiting, praying, hoping that she comes out alive. My little sister.

Today during school that memory cane back playing over and over in my head non stop. Like a broken record player that is in repeat that day was one of the worst days of the Johnson Family. we saw our only sister break down, a broken girl who we thought that would never break down to show us her weak side. She's one of us that no matter who she won't break down but that day that year we saw the vulnerable side of her.

I let a breath out once I'm outside the front door hesitating to go in with Pat and my twin by each of my side. We're nervous because once inside we don't know what's going to happen.

But here goes nothing.

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