chapter 8

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My brothers were still whining with the announcement mom made. That we were moving i was a happy gal this city just has so many memories i want to leave behind. 

Also our parents may have noticed because we'll that was fast, shit bearly started yesterday.

So mom and dad said that after Cody was ok to go home we would begin to pack.

"Mom dad we can't move" Patrick stands near our parents "look Patrick yesterday I almost killed your ex principle. Then there's no schools who want you guys so is better we start new" father said.

He's right we do need a new start.

***********the ride to our new start***********

  2 week later

"Dude get away from me" Bryan told his twin "me you get away from me" Ryan retored "i was here firts ok brother" his twin answerd back.

"I was born first" i laugh he used I'm older card on him.

Sucks to be twins "by fucking 2 minutes"  Bryan tells him "and I'm still older". This arguing has been happening for the past 5 hours.

We are in our way to our new home almost across the fucking country.

So our parents thought it was a good idea to used this opportunitie to make it a road trip, is actually a living hell.

We're in a Rv a house on wheels were i can open the door and throw one of my brothers out. I suggest one of the twins Ryan especially.

I'm tired of hearing there arguing I'm trying to sleep in one of the bunk beds.

Father said that it would take an entire day with 10 hours to make it to our destination.  I'm happy were moving, but i don't like being in a moving thing with my brothers in it.

Also I'm might be saying this with a hint of grumpy, mom woked us up at 3:00 in the morning to hit the road.

So yeah I'm grumpy and my brothers aren't making this easy at all.

So i decide 'Andy just stay awake because you'll never get sleep with them here' my inner self knows me.

I get off my temporary bed and head to the kitchen part where I see Cody and Matt playing cards. I sit next to Cody and watched them play until I feel my eyes getting heavy. 

I was about to close them when i feel something liking my hand. I look down and see that it was one of our dogs Flacco he is a skinny white dog and he's just so cute.

Oh, and why is he so skinny is not because we don't feed him is just he's like that. I found him in the streets when i was walking on the city.

So here he is being his jumpy self. "Hey Flacco" i scratch behind his ear. 

I then pick him up and put him in my lap. When i don't hear anything except for Matt and Cody but i don't here the twins.

'Could it be my prayers were answerd' I stand up of course caring Flacco when i go to the living area and see the cutest site.

Ryan had his head on his twins shoulder and they were both asleep 'cute' but C'mon I'm Andy i don't deal with cute.

I get my phone out and take a picture of the sleepy twins.  Blackmailing will be good when they don't behave.

(Evil laugh) i walk back to my seat and stay there.

The rest of the ride was ok the twins were still sleeping, mom and dad were in the drivers cabin.

Then the youngest were still playing cards while Patrick and John were in the room playing Xbox or something like that.

My stomach was growling i was hungry so i go to the fridge and take out a sandwich mom packed and a water bottle. 

I take a seat next to my brother and i just watched how the game never got boring for the youngest of the Johnsons. 

Just watching them got boring.

I finish my food and water so i throw it away.

I get away from my brothers and head back to the bunk beds maybe now since the twins are sleeping. I can catch up on my Z's.


"Wake up, wake up" someone was shaking me the hell. "Andrea wake up" I push the person away then i hear a thud.

"Andrea Marie Johnson get up this instant" oh shit there's only one person who says my full name.

Mom,  i pushed mom, i sit up and see mom on the floor with cross arms.

"Hi mother" i wave at her "young lady is time to get up" she stands up and she fixes her sundress.

"Sorry mom that I pushed you" i get off the bed "it's ok sweetie now C'mon your father needs your help" she gets my hand. 

She drags me out the door and i see all of my brothers standing there staring at our father. 

"What happend?" I speak up "your father thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut and now we have a flat tire" mother glares at dad.

"I'm sorry that I want to get to our new home fast" dad was in he's knees checking the tire.

"I'm going for a walk" mom said with that i see her walk off with Flacco behind her.

"Ok so why do you need my help" i cross my arms "because your the only one of your brothers that can help me change this tire" father turns to me. 

I turn to see my brothers with a sad look except Cody and Matt they knew that cars was not there thing.

My brothers are not man they can't change a freaking tire a tire and me being the only girl does. I shake my head and stand next to father.

After changing the tire i was tired, i need sleep like now! "Ok family back in the RV were ready to go" dad closes the caparment where he put the other tire.

I look around and see that we're near a forest it's beautiful.

I walk to the edge of it and see mom walking towards me "oh is it chsnged" she looks at me I nod "ok then".

She walks pass me. I'm just looking at nature is really gorgeous. 

"C'mon Johnsons time to hit the road!" I hear dad.

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