INTRO (edited)

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Pic of the Johnsons^^

You know what suck of having older brothers is that well you can't date without one of them being all up my business.

Yes, i know I'm sounding mean but come on I have 7 brothers and I'm not lying. To make it worse I'm the only, ONLY girl so my big Bros go all protective on me.

Truth be told my parents were busy after my first brother Cameron.

After my mother started popping out children like Christmas presents. Look this is how we all go oldest to youngest.

Cameron 22
John 19
Patrick 18
Ryan and Brian 17
Me 16
Cody 15
Matthew 10

You see what i mean my mom sure knew how to have kids waited a few years after Cameron. After him one year apart then the final Johnson, Matthew at 5 years apart from Cody.

But i love them all at least we got rid of the oldest he joined the army to serve for his proud country as he puts it.

Then comes John he went off to college but moved back in because as he puts it 'he ain't ready for college' asshole. After him Patrick senior in high school, after him the twins juniors in H.S, then me a sophomore. The the last one in H.S Cody coming at a freshman.

Yes, ain't it wonderful that we go to the same high school to love each other more. But is not cool because if I do something bad in school one of the asshole rats me out that ain't cool.

Oh, my apologies i forgot about my baby brother Matthew he's just in elementary.

I know you guys are thinking how do I survive with my family well let me count there's my 7 brothers, me, mom, dad.

So we're about 10 in the family awesome i know, but really im dying inside really slowly.


But we do have a good living thanks to our parents mom is a well Brain surgeon, dad owns companies . Ah, also thanks to our grandparents from both sides there also loaded.

So yeah but still I want to die. Now

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