chapter 17

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My class was really boring and frustrated well for me.

The teacher gave us an assignment to draw a freaking tree a tree.

Remember how I said how I suck at drawing well is true, i looked around to see everybody else's and theirs were good. Compared to mine well it came out like a weird ass shape that i don't know.

The teacher was walking around when he stops behind me "mr . Johnson may I ask what is that?" He looks closely at my 'tree'.

I shrug "its a tree i guess sir i really don't know" I look at it again "well I'm guessing that you..." "art is not my thing sir".

It's true I suck at drawing my thing is sports that's it that's what I'm good at and of course being hot.

I'm leaving that 'tree' alone i don't care that the sir wants it or not. It won't affect me is just a suckie ass drawing.

Fuck it I put my head down, while wondering how the day is going for the rest.


Cody's P.O.V

I only have one thing to say and that is 'school'.

If someone asks me about what's my favorite thing in the world is, well I answer them with school. Yes I'm a geek or the geek of the family.

I love school just learning about anything is just awesome.

Now I'm sitting in one of my favorite subject class 'math' or actually Algebra 2.

I felt a little out of place because I'm surrounded by Juniors but don't care i love this subject more than anything.

I'm sitting down in the only seat that was empty and with my luck it was in the back in the last row.

Wow, i begin to look around when I see my fellow class mates they were all talking, some sleeping and others just being stupid.

Now i hope I'm not the answer kid again , or as people say 'teachers pet'.

'Ok just ignore them Cody' I tell myself, i take out my 'Robot notebook' where i have my robot ideas.

I was drawing a robot blueprint when i hear the class door open then close. I look up to see a old man old in a briefcase and papers.

"Ok you adolescents take your seats and be quiet" he puts down his things on his desk. OK this old man is scary you can tell with how he looks at us.

I don't want to get on his bad side.

When everyone was already sitting and looking to the front the teacher started.

He sits down and takes out a paper then begins call in out names.

When finally he stops on mine "Johnson?" he begins to look around when he stops and looks at my raised hand.

"So your the new student" he says "yes sir I am" i say he sighs "ok since is a rule for you to introduce yourself".

Wow he doesn't sound happy, i stand up from my seat and make my way to the front. When I'm standing in front of the class all eyes are on me.

"Ok hi my name is Cody Johnson I'm 15, a freshman and i like math" i say everybody continue to look at me when the door opens.

"Mr. Smith care to explain why your late to my class" the teacher and the class give there attention to someone.

I turn to the door and see a blonde dude sanding there like if nothing happen. "Well mr. Davis i was actually deciding if i wanted to come to your class, but i had to come" he smirks.

"Well mr. Smith thank you for showing up now take your seat" the dude walks to his seat that's next to....mine.

"Ok now mr. Johnson you can take your seat now" the old geyser... I mean mr. Davis tells me.

So i do i make my way to my seat I'm the back next to the scary guy.

When i sit i continue doing my blue prints when the old man begins with the lesson of the day. Everyone in the class groan except for me.

I close up my notebook and immediately get another one to write down notes while he's talking.


After a few more questions and no answers the teacher was called into the office for something.

But before he left he told us to do some work from the book.

I was into it the work when i felt someone staring at me actually someone sitting next to me.

OK I look through the corner of my eye to see the scary guy looking my way.

Um i think someone should call my parents and tell them I love them.

I know how it is to feel bullied i got beat up on my first year of high school now i might die. 'Do i have my inhaler?' I ask myself.

"So your a freshman?" I heard someone, i turn to see who the voice belong to and it was the scary guy.

"Uh yeah" I whisper to him "cool your some smart kid aren't you" i give him my attention.

"You could say that" I'm a little terrified that he might start picking on me, him stealing my homework, or worse.

"You man" he pats my back "uh I'm good" I give him a small smile "cool" with that he turns back leaving me alone.

Oh thank the heavens I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

OK time to get back to work.

I was finishing the question when i feel someone staring at me again. OK the hell who's staring at me, i begin to look around i swear everyone whispering and pointing at me.

OK now I feel way out of place. "Guys leave him alone already stop staring!" The scary dude said to the class.

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