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mall (definite singular: malli)
longing, missing, nostalgia,
a yearning desire.

Age 3 and 4

"This is my shovel, get your own!" A four-years old boy chanted, ripping his shovel away from a seemingly younger boy with blonde locks and big doe eyes.

"N-no! Mine! Found it there!" The blond retorted, a big rosy pout forming on his lips as his small finger pointed to the puddle of sand in the sandpit. "Not yours!"

"You stole it! You're a thief, the police will arrest you! Thieves are bad and who acts bad belong in prison!" The boy with black hair said, crossing his arms with a huff, looking down at the smaller boy.

Tears formed in the boy's eyes as his lips began wobbling. "N-no, Taetae not bad, I'm g-good boy," he began crying and the older boy just laughed.

"Taetae? What a silly name is that? Jeongguk is way cooler."

age: 6 and 7

"Taetae! Mom said you can come over after school!" Jeongguk excitedly announced into the phone speaker.

"Really?! Wait, I'm gonna ask my mom," he heard his best friend say, equally excited, imagining how he was running to his mother to ask about the sleepover.

The seven years old ravenette patiently waited, a wide smile stretching on his lips when he heard Taehyung picking up the phone again.

"What did she say?"

"She said I can come! I just need to pack my stuff and dad brings me to you."

"Yes! I'm waiting!"

age: 13 and 14

"Happy Birthday, Babybear," Jeongguk congratulated, a bunny smile on his lips as he handed a small packet to the birthday boy.

Taehyung smiled happily and opened the package, squealing when he sees the small self-made sculpture of a bear. Jeongguk was very good with clay, is even taking classes because it is something he enjoys so much.

"I love it, Gguk!" He exclaims happily and got up from the floor to hug his best friend, their parents cheering and clapping their hands in the back.

"Happy birthday," Jeongguk whispered into Taehyung's ear again, as he tightly held onto him.

age: 15 and 16

"I don't fucking understand you! Why are you being like this?"

"Just get away from me, I don't wanna talk to you."

"What-why? Don't be like this. Tell me what's wrong" the desperate look in the blond's eyes made the other almost fall weak, but Jeongguk kept his facade up.

"I just can't, okay? You can't expect me to be always by your side! It's enough, Tae!" Taehyung's heart broke by the older boy's words and so did Jeongguk's by the younger's tears.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Just don't ever talk to me again."

age: 16 and 17

Not talking turned to fighting daily. Jeongguk and Taehyung were known in school for being opponents in everything.

Perfect grades, perfect looks, the people couldn't decide who was the better one in every category. Even if they turn out to not be good in one thing, there's something else that will weigh it out. Maybe Taehyung isn't the best in sports, like Jeongguk, but he is the best in art and literature, which brings both of them back onto the same level. Maybe Taehyung is better in English class, but Jeongguk's slays Spanish class.

And maybe Jeongguk turned out to be the school jock and Taehyung the students council leader.

"Stop running in the floors!" Taehyung shouted annoyed, watching Jeongguk and his friend play American Football in the floors.

Taehyung's voice caught their attention and Jeongguk rolled his eyes, taking the oval shaped ball in one hand. He scoffed lowly and smirked cheekily. "Hey shortie, what's up?"

Taehyung glared at him. "Stop playing football in the halls, idiot."

Jeongguk just chuckled, before throwing the ball in Taehyung's direction.

He caught the ball effortlessly and looked at the ravenette with an annoyed expression. "Never growing up, are we?"

"I'm grown up enough to know that you are no fun and boring," Jeongguk snickered.

Taehyung rolled his eyes when one of Jeongguk's friend started laughing. He threw the ball to him with force, hitting him right on the forehead.

"Ow!" The boy hissed, rubbing his forehead.

Taehyung scoffed. "Next time it's going more down.

age: 17 & 18



A new book!
And this one makes me so excited! I just hope you'll enjoy this story and survive the emotional rollercoaster I'm gonna put you through :b. Jk, it won't be that bad.

Have a nice day! Love you<3

warnings: boyxboy, topkook, bottomtae,
homophobia, drama, cursing, older Jeongguk

start: 17th February 2022

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