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"I'm just going to sleep for the whole lesson," Jimin groaned, making Taehyung who sat next to him giggle lightly.

The teacher just announced that they are going to watch a movie about Socialism for the next hour and they were assigned to take notes. And someone specific would rather just leave than take notes. "Tae, can I sleep and copy your notes later on?"

"Maybe you can copy Yoongi's," Taehyung mocked and Jimin was suddenly crystal clear awake, sending a death glare to his best friend. "Don't be so loud!"

"What? I wasn't even loud, don't be dramatic." Taehyung laughed out as Jimin only turned redder by the second. He glanced to Yoongi across the room shortly and quickly back to the movie that was streaming in the front. It was unexpected for Jimin to fall for someone this quick, but after his talk with Yoongi, the older agreed to invite Jimin for a date again and he did, already having the smaller male dreaming about him at night. Jimin was slowly falling and Taehyung was happy to find his best friend smiling and blushing, although he will keep his eyes on Yoongi and make sure he won't hurt his precious best friend.

"You can't even look at him," Taehyung continued to mock, before a voice in the back stopped him.

"Can you please shut up, I can't hear the movie."

It irked Taehyung to hear that voice sometimes.

"What's your problem?" Jimin asked Jeongguk, scorn dripping from his voice.

A light scoff left the ravenette's lips. "I don't wanna hear you talk about your crushes right in front of me. I'm tryna get a good grade here, you know."

"Isn't Yoongi your best friend? Shouldn't you be interested to know about your best friend asking my best friend out?" It was a simple sentence, with a simple question mark added to the end, yet it contained all of Taehyung's bitterness and Jeongguk could taste it with one lick. The possessive pronouns were loud as f—

"If I'm interested, I would only wanna hear it from him, not from some shorties like you, gossiping about it."

"We're not gossiping," Taehyung hissed. "Do you even know what that is?"

"Isn't that what boys like you do all the time?"

Jimin gasped. "Is it because we're gay?"

Taehyung chuckled. "Being homophobic now, are we?"

Jeongguk was quick to shake his head. "What? No! That's not what I said!"

"Stupid straights," Taehyung mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Jeongguk quieted down. His eyes locked with Taehyung's for a really short moment, that did feel like a whole minute though. Taehyung's eyes had always been really captivating to him, it were his most prominent and significant features. One held a mono lid, the other was double lidded. This unevenness of his eyes and the little details, like his long lashes and tiny moles made his eyes be something someone would never be able to forget once looking at.

Taehyung felt uncomfortable while Jeongguk looked like this at him, so he quickly pried his gaze away. "I thought you wanted to focus on the movie?"

"That's what I'm doing—

"Taehyung and Jeongguk!" The two boys froze when they heard their teacher calling them
out and the whole class stared at them in shock. "You were talking this whole time and I tried to let it slide but it wouldn't stop. Detention today."

"What no! I was just telling him to keep quiet!" Jeongguk defended, saying the truth although Taehyung pulled out another card, that had the whole room go silent.

"He made a homophobic comment, miss."

Jeongguk's eyes widened as he looked at Taehyung, who smirked triumphantly.

"That's not true!"

"I witnessed it," Jimin butted in, paying back for his best friend.

The teacher laughed out humorlessly. "I don't care and you know what, the classroom hasn't been cleaned for a long time now, hasn't it? What about you two will do it in the afternoon, instead of keeping up with the fighting? Maybe if you spend some time together, you stop pulling at each other's hairs!"

Taehyung gasped. "What? But I never did anything wrong!"

"You were disturbing the lesson by talking. The both of you will take care of this classroom, under my supervision."

"What, no—"

"I don't wanna hear anything from you, Jeongguk. Keep quiet."

Taehyung slumped back in his seat, crossing his arms.

Jeongguk did the same thing, sending glares to the blond in front of him. "This is your fault."

Taehyung simply fake smiled as he turned to Jeongguk. "Fuck you."

The ravenette was stunned, but kept quiet, not wanting to get the teacher's attention again.

For the rest of the lesson, neither of the boys said a word, both of them watching the movie in silence, although their thoughts were definitely loud. Especially Taehyung's.

He didn't want to spend hours cleaning and scrubbing a class room with Jeongguk. He dreaded the thought of being alone with him.

But, it's okay. Taehyung's dull expression turned normal again. He will just ignore Jeongguk, at least they have a job to do, which can keep him busy so that when Jeongguk approaches him or something, he could save it simply with this excuse.

Everything will be fine.

What can go wrong anyways?


maybe, if i find the time, i'll double update today since it's my bday ;)

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