7.6K 448 52

warning: too cute too handle, filler chapter


Jeongguk was already fast asleep for an hour, but Taehyung was still wide-awake, binge watching youtube while being curled up against the ravenette, his head laying on the sleeping male's chest, his hands holding his phone, his legs being pulled up, knees resting on Jeongguk's abdomen. He was basically almost lying completely on Jeongguk, but the sleeping male didn't seem to be fazed at all by that, one arm wrapped around Taehyung's waist. He fell asleep while Taehyung was in this position anyways.

Jeongguk was a great warmth source, his body the perfect pillow for Taehyung. The way his chest heaved up and down on Taehyung's head was calming. The scent of Jeongguk's faded cologne, mixed with his natural scent had engulfed Taehyung whole.

He didn't even know he ended up binge watching 5-Minute-Crafts for whole hours, but it was already almost two in the morning and he had to wake up for school in less than five hours.

However, he didn't feel tired at all, somehow sleep just didn't want to catch him and actually, he liked to savor this moment in Jeongguk's hold, the atmosphere around them.

Taehyung closed the tabs on his phone to do exactly that; just lie next to Jeongguk like this. He placed his phone on the nightstand, then turned back to the boy next to him.

Ever since the day Jeongguk climbed through his window and apologized and confessed the truth, Taehyung felt complete again. Maybe all those days crying over Jeongguk weren't all for nothing.

His lips curved into a beautiful smile, as he placed his hand flat next to his head on Jeongguk's chest, focusing on the sound of his calm heartbeat.

Unintentionally, Taehyung adapted his breathing to the beating of Jeongguk's heart, making him smile even more when he noticed.

He closed his eyes.

And slowly, sleep caught up to
him too.

An hour later, Jeongguk stirred awake for no reason at all. It was still pitch black outside. A yawn left his lips, as he slowly opened his eyes, allowing him to realize that he was in Taehyung's room. His eyes wandered down, the moonlight from outside giving him the possibility to look at the beautiful boy curled up against his body, sleeping soundly.

He let a soft breath out, his face morphing into a small smile. Slowly, he moved his hand away from Taehyung's waist, instead, he began brushing it through the blond's silky hair.

Not even a week ago, Jeongguk was still walking down the road of pretending to dislike the boy who was sleeping in his arms right now. He had never been more thankful to Taehyung, but right now.

He was so thankful the younger never really gave up on him.

Of course, Jeongguk still denied being worthy of all of this- hell, he had hurt Taehyung so much, he should be banned from being close to him, let alone sleep next to him like this.

The human nature is selfish though and Jeongguk couldn't stop. He couldn't stop wanting to have Taehyung with him forever, couldn't stop wishing to be with Taehyung forever.

He couldn't stop falling for the boy more and more every passing day, hour, minute, second.

His hand came to a short stop when Taehyung stirred lightly in his sleep, but relaxed again. Jeongguk's lips drew a smile.

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