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It has been two days ever since that horrible day.

Taehyung skipped school the day after, but decided he had to go today because of an exam in Spanish he wished he could have studied more for, although, on second thought, he didn't care.

He wasn't going to try to show Jeongguk that he is better off without him any longer, because it simply wasn't the truth. Also, he had shown Jeongguk his tears and gave the ravenette enough evidences to come to the conclusion that Taehyung was definitely not doing better.

So why pretend and deny?

"Are you alright?" The sweet honey voice of his mother filled his ears as she handed him his lunchbox for the day.

"No.." He breathed out, his eyes swollen from the tiredness consuming him. He barely slept the last two nights.

Ms Kim's eyes softened. "Tae, you know Jeongguk better than anyone else, he isn't like that."

The blond looked up, a bitter scoff running over his lips. "That's what I thought too. But apparently that's exactly how he is like."

"He still cares for you."

Something inside of him twisted. "Don't say that, he doesn't..."

Hana mustered her son for a few seconds. "You know he does. You know he didn't change, you just don't want to get hurt again. Honey, Jeongguk has a reason why he did what he did and-

"A reason? Why can't he tell me then? Also why are you on his side? I'm your son! I'm the one who is hurting!" Taehyung's breath heaved again, the way it always did when he talked about this certain raven haired boy.

"You're maybe not the only one who is hurting."

Taehyung just looked at her, disappointed. "Are you implying he's hurting too?"

"Taehyung, you've seen him-

"If he's hurt, then why did he leave? I don't understand why you're taking his side!"

"I'm not taking anyone's side, Tae!"

Taehyung felt so wronged. "Then don't act like it. Also, have a nice day, I need to go." His chair screeching as he pushed himself away from the table, he grabbed his backpack, strapped it over his shoulder and left.

It wasn't even 8am yet and he already was done with this whole day.

So silently, he walked to school.

Or not so silently, as his own thoughts began confronting him loudly.

"He still cares for you,"

"As if," Taehyung silently scoffed to himself, his eyes following the tips of his shoes as they remotely settled on the stone floor of the side walk.

And out of nothing, the first conflict within himself arises.

Jeongguk had stopped him from banging his fists against the door when they realized they were stuck in the classroom. "You will hurt your hands," he had said, while his own hand held Taehyung's wrist.

"Doesn't mean anything," he thought to himself, not convinced.

Then what about that moment where Taehyung felt a little cold? Jeongguk had noticed it, told him about the blanket in the drawer of the teacher's desk and went to get it and even covered Taehyung with it.

Even with the blond's protest.

Taehyung bit his lip thinking about it, but then told himself that in a situation like this, when you're alone with someone in a room, something like this can possibly happen. There was no way out, so why let the other freeze, when he is your only company?

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