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"Are you... kidding me?" Hana stared with in surprise widened eyes at the scenario in front of her.

It was surprise enough that Taehyung forgot to set an alarm for school, as it seems, but what shocked her the most came when she entered her son's room to wake him up.

He wasn't alone, nope. He was cuddled up against a taller boy, who had his arms tightly wrapped around his waist. Now, if it were any other boy, someone who she doesn't know, Hana would've simply freaked out.

But since it's just Jeongguk, she didn't simply freak out.

She totally freaked out.

In a positive and mainly supportive way, her face shining in happiness, drowning the confusion that kept nagging at the back of her, wondering how Jeongguk had entered without her notice. She didn't mind though, it rather called back old memories of her boys sneaking out and in at nights when they were younger, still neighbors.

What she minded, was that Taehyung wasn't making clear to her what exactly is going on between Jeongguk and him currently. Right when she thought her son is still hurt because of what happened, Jeongguk suddenly picks him up to a party, then carries him to bed and sneaks into his room at night.

Not that she minded him doing that. She is their number one supporter, her biggest wish for them is for things to be like how they were back in the day, or even more as it seems.

Knowing her son since birth and Jeongguk since he was only 4, she knew something more than simple friendship or sudden longing was forming. It's obvious in both their eyes.

She looked at the clock, it being around 7:30 early in the dawn of morning. Supposedly, she needs to leave in 10 Minutes to go to work and Taehyung should've woken up 10 Minutes ago to get ready for school. Now she finds this view and dreads the thought of waking the boys up from sleep, especially when they looked so peaceful. Maybe a day off would do them both good, she thinks. So she slowly leaves the room, closes the door and leaves her son to the strong arms of the only boy she trusts him with.

And Taehyung and Jeongguk continued to stay away from the outworld, sleeping deep and soundly, comfortable as ever.

It was around two hours later when the first one of the boys woke up. Taehyung felt how his senses slowly started functioning again, a deep yawn leaving his lips as he slowly opened his eyes. He stayed like this, even when he noticed a muscled arm holding him around his waist, even when he felt a warm chest against his back and even when he remembered what had happened yesterday evenings. And especially when he realized it was Jeongguk that was behind him.

Especially then, he didn't move.

His cheeks tinted a soft pink, filling with warmth as a smile formed on his lips. After Jeongguk's confession yesterday, Taehyung couldn't find himself to still comprise any hatred towards Jeongguk, let alone be mad at him or still disappointed. The hatred he always aimed at Jeongguk changed its target, now fixed on the ravenette's parents, who separated their son from his best friend during the time he probably needed him the most.

Taehyung took a shallow breath, his lip trembling as he did so. The thought of how gruesome someone must be to hate their child only because of their sexuality made Taehyung's tummy churn, feeling so much sympathy towards Jeongguk.

Slowly, Taehyung decided to turn around and look at Jeongguk. He carefully and as slowly as he could turned on his back first, then turned around completely, Jeongguk's arm still resting around him.

Taehyung was now face to face with the ravenette, his heartbeat quickening as he accidentally got a little to close, their faces only inches apart. He overestimated their distance, he didn't know Jeongguk was that close.

Taehyung gulped heavily, his stomach filling with butterflies at the close proximity. He did feel like a creep, although, deep down he was almost sure that Jeongguk has nothing against this.

After all, it were his feelings towards Taehyung that caused his parents to act how they act. The thought is crazy enough, because Taehyung had never noticed his childhood best friend had such feelings for him. He felt dumb and blind at the same time, somehow wishing he would've known. However another part wished the complete opposite.

Because the growing distance between Jeongguk and him made him realize how much he felt towards the raven haired too.

Taehyung stared into Jeongguk's face, literally studying it. Waking up next to him used to be such a common and familiar thing. It now recalls nostalgic memories, but moreover it kicks right into Taehyung's heart, the impact making it race so much that it almost leaves his whole body exhausted, ready to stay in Jeongguk's arms forever.

Over this year, Jeongguk hadn't changed much physically. His cheek bones were a little deeper, as his jaw was sharper than it used to be because of maturing. Taehyung pouted thinking about his own soft jawline compared to Jeongguk's sharp one. Unfair.

Probably the biggest thing that changed Jeongguk's appearance was the length of his hair. The coconut hair cut and Jeongguk's addiction to brown hair dye were gone a few months after his parents forced him to stay away from Taehyung. Jeongguk had decided to keep his natural hair color and let his hair grow a little longer, which from Taehyung's view was the the best decision ever.

The raven haired suddenly stirred in his sleep and Taehyung's heart rate kicked up again in panic. Jeongguk was probably about to wake up and Taehyung was this impossibly close to the ravenette, he'll probably think Taehyung is a creep, so he decides to move away. Unsuccessfully, because the arm around him stopped him and so did the deep chuckle that followed.

"Where do you think you're going, hmm?"

Taehyung stayed put, frozen, when Jeongguk's eyes opened and locked with his. "Slept well?"

Taehyung quickly nodded, his flustered state and the panic evident in those pink cheeks of his. "Y-yes..."

A chuckle left Jeongguk again, his eyes turning crescent as he smiled. "Acting shy now?"

Taehyung wasn't down to get teased right now, although he knew it was his own fault, because he couldn't hold back how Jeongguk simply being this close to him affected him. "I'm not shy."

Jeongguk's smile widened, his arm moving from Taehyung's waist to the back of his head, where he began running his fingers through the blond's soft hair. "Sure."

Taehyung's body relaxed by the gentle movements of Jeongguk's fingers. Now they were just looking at each other, laying on their sides as the sun let its fall shine through Taehyung's window. The bright light shone directly at them, making both look even more beautiful as they already are.

"It must be past 8am already," Jeongguk softly spoke, his fingers still cradling in the blonde hair. At 8 am start school, however neither of the two could care less right now though.

"I don't care," Taehyung breathed out, his voice soft and quiet, almost a whisper. If Jeongguk didn't stop with his soothing touches, Taehyung would for sure fall asleep again.

The raven haired smiled softly. "Me neither.. you wanna do something today?"

Taehyung's eyes literally lit up by that, his heart doing a full jump, as something twisted inside his tummy. It was the little kid seeking for the fun him and his best friend used to have that reacted like this. "You mean like.. When we were best friends?"

In all other circumstances and with other people involved a question like this would for sure sound childish coming from an 18 years old. In this case, it just let Jeongguk feel a little stab in his chest. Taehyung was really the only thing he had cherished all his life and he was taken away from him because of his own parents.

Jeongguk hummed and the younger immediately sat up, excitement filling his whole eyes. "Then what are you waiting for, get up!"

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