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Two weeks later

Around fourteen days later, everything seemed to better itself. Jeongguk got the final message that his parents moved to Busan around the fifth day, without saying goodbye or leaving a message to him. While it did break his heart a little, it also took the biggest encumbrance out of his life.

His stuff, his clothes, clay things and everything around, was one day found on the porch outside of Taehyung's house, packed into three cardboard boxes, when the two returned back from school. This too, released some of the weight that sat on his shoulders, especially concerning his financial dependence on the Kims currently. Never in his life had he been this thankful to someone before. Taehyung and Hana were there for him from day one on. Not only financially, speak; giving him a place to stay in, food, clothes, etc., but also emotionally.

Especially emotionally. Especially when it came to Taehyung.


The excited voice booming from downstairs pulled Jeongguk right out of his thoughts and the nap he was about to take. His eyes opened and he got met with the white ceiling of the former guest room that was now his own. He yawned when a knock on his door appeared.

"Gguk, come on! The new episodes of Miraculous are released! Let's watch together!"

A smile formed on Jeongguk's lips as he finally got up to open the door, getting met with Taehyung's big pleading eyes. "You'll watch it with me, right?"

How could anyone say no to him?


Taehyung's face morphed into the biggest smile as he quickly grabbed Jeongguk's hand to pull him downstairs to the couch in the living toom. Getting comfortable on it, Taehyung used the remote to open up Netflix and start the new episodes of the show he had been waiting for all this time.

Jeongguk followed halfheartedly, but he told himself that he would keep this promise to Taehyung. Now he knows that for the next time he should rethink before promising he would watch Miraculous with him together.

The younger then leaned against Jeongguk's shoulder, lip-syncing to the intro music.

"Y'know, I was about to take a nap," Jeongguk informed halfway through the first episode, caressing Taehyung's arm.

The blond looked up to him with a stern expression. "What's more important, a nap or Miraculous?"

A low chuckle left Jeongguk's throat, as a smirk pulled on the left side of his lips. "You, that's why I'm here."

Blushing, Taehyung turned his eyes back to the playing film, afraid he would stutter if he tried to talk.

Jeongguk's eyes never left him though, studying his perfect side profile, his round nose, pink lips and long eyelashes that were to die for.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," the blond commented as he caught Jeongguk starring.

The ravenette simply smirked. "I could look at you all day and not get bored."

Taehyung rolled his eyes at him. "Lame flirt attempt."

Cocking his head a little to the side, Jeongguk's attractive smirk grew into a mocking grin. "Yet you're blushing."

"I'm not blushing." But the pink taint on his cheeks said otherwise.

Chuckling, Jeongguk wrapped an arm around Taehyung's waist and pulled him close to his side. The younger gave fighting against a smile up and just sighed contented as he moved even closer, the back of his head resting on Jeongguk's chest now.

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