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"Damn, you're telling me, you had a dirty dream about Jeongguk?!"

"Shut up, before my mom hears you!" Taehyung shushed his best friend, smashing his palm flat against Jimin's mouth, who pushed it away as quick as it came. "She's asleep."

"I'm not. You dreamed dirty about Gguk?"

Taehyung flinched and looked wide-eyed at his mother who stood in the door with a smirk on her lips.

"What no! It's not like that-

"Oh I think it's exactly like that," she chuckled.

"Hey, auntie," Jimin greeted sheepishly, feeling bad for his friend. But it's just Hana, she's the coolest ever.

"Hey, Chim. So how was it?" She looked back to Taehyung, who let out a whine, shifting his weight so he was falling back first onto the mattress of his bed. "It was just a dream," he groaned, getting annoyed.

"Dreams speak what our subconscious hides," Jimin wiggled his eyebrows and Taehyung almost- just almost- got his pillow and slammed the older male with it out of his window.

Hana slowly walked to the bed, sitting down on the edge next to the boys. "Don't worry bub, it's not that tragic. Jeongguk's really attractive-

"What, why would you say that?!"

"He do be hot, tho," Jimin agreed and Taehyung glared at him, firstly because what the fuck and secondly because what the fuck? "And? I don't care?"

"You are the one with the dirty dreams, not me, babe."

"It was just a dream, don't be so dramatic!"

"You called me to come over because you couldn't stop thinking about it!"

"Stop, boys!" Ms Kim interrupted with a roll of her eyes. "Okay, we established that Jeongguk's hot and that Taehyung has dirty fantasies about him-

"Mom, it's just a dream!" Taehyung felt embarrassed and flustered to the edge.

"Tae... was it that though?" Jimin asked and the way his voice was suddenly so calm and sincere made the Kims look at him immediately. "I mean... apart from it being a dirty dream, it's clear you can't let Jeongguk go."

Taehyung stared at him shocked. "I grew up with him-

"It's been a year though. And you still constantly talk only about him- Jeongguk this, Jeongguk that and even though you deny it all the time, you still miss him," Jimin stated.

Heart doing a jump and twisting at the same time, taehyung just stared at his best friend, lost at words. "What are you trying to do? Manipulate me into thinking I like him?"

Hana cleared her throat a little, adjusting her seating position. "You know, Honey, Jeongguk and you always... had a really strong bond.."

"Mom, we were best friends since kids, of course we were really close," Taehyung was getting frustrated now, because he didn't understand where this was leading to and for some reason this made him suddenly so conflicted. He hated this feeling.

"Bub, are you sure?"

Taehyung scoffed m, getting pissed at the two. "Jeongguk's straight, I didn't even think about it-

"You dreamed about him."

"Yeah, I did. Did I choose to dream about him? No, so what now? I dream about many people," he threw his arms in the air, the frustration now visible in his louder voice.

"You don't have dirty dreams about many people though-

"Okay! I get it," Taehyung almost shouted. "It all sounds like I am attracted to him, but I can assure you, that there's nothing. Both of you know that I hate him for what he did. Why would I like him?" He looked at them expectedly.

He wasn't attracted to him.



And that's a clear lie. Taehyung has been catching himself think about Jeongguk a lot lately. Their talk from earlier was engraved in his mind, plaguing his heart and so was that damn dream and every other scenarios he accidentally imagined with Jeongguk this pst few days.

"We're sorry, Honey. I know you don't like being confused about things. We just want to help you," Hana said calmly, looking with a slight concern to her son. She loved Taehyung and Jeongguk together- her boys, her children that she loved more than she loved herself. It pained her to see them be apart and suffering from it.

"Thank you.. I appreciate it," the blond responded. "I just don't want to talk about it. Jeongguk, the dream, I just wish they would've never happened."

"You're just saying that, Tae," Jimin whispered quietly, placing his hand on Taehyung's thigh.

"I mean... it would've been easier if I could just forget Jeongguk, you know?"

Hana sighed softly. "Bub, don't say something that you don't mean. Jeongguk was a big part of your childhood, think about all the memories you have together."

A bitter sound left Taehyung's lips. "What memories? The ones he completely forget about and ignored when he decided to leave? If he can discard the memories so easily, than why shouldn't I?"

"Jeongguk has all these memories still inside of him, he just suppresses them. You know how hesitant he was when he was here last week. You saw that he was longing to be with us again-

"Don't act like he wants to come back," he mumbled bitterly, the sadness hearable in the crack of his voice.

"I'm not saying that," Hana spoke. She wasn't dumb though, Jeongguk wouldn't have cried in her arms that evening if he didn't want to come back.

Now she wishes Taehyung had seen Jeongguk's tears.

"He hasn't forgotten about you, Tae. How could he? You will forever be a big part of his life-

"S-stop," Taehyung interrupted her once again, looking up. His eyes were shining glassy, his cheeks red. "Can we... just not talk about him right now?"

Hana and Jimin gave each other a look.

She sighed. "Okay, it's late anyways. You two should sleep," her angelic voice whispered calmly.

Taehyung felt so grateful for her and Jimin's understanding and even though he didn't say it, he was also grateful that they listen to him and try to help him. He is just too scared to get his hopes up, too scared of the pain that can follow once again.


ramadan kareem!

due to ramadan i'll be less active on wattpad. i'm going to be posting drafts, that i haven't proof-read yet, so bear with it. have a nice day loves <33

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