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Yugyeom spun the bottle first.

"Jimin... truth or dare?"

The blond smiled. "Truth."


"Shut up," Jimin interrupted Hoseok before he could say anything.

"Okay, spill your biggest kink."

Jimin blushed by that question, his eyes landing on Yoongi, who waited, with an amused look. "Euh... probably.. praising?"

"Good to know," Yoongi chuckled , to which Jimin nudged him, whining embarrassingly.

Taehyung laughed a little. He used to love playing truth or dare. He loved playing it with Jeongguk when the two still were younger. Now he just gets nervous, especially when playing it with people he doesn't really know.

Jimin spun the bottle next.

"Jeongguk! Truth or Dare?"

Taehyung's eyes landed on him surprised. Jeongguk was still sitting on that chair, his arms crossed over his chest, as he man spread. Him and his stupid thigh muscles.

"Dare," Jeongguk said, the hot confidence not letting show any sign of nervousness. Taehyung admired that, feeling also a little envy towards the ravenette's ability to never show any sign of nerves.

"Damn, I wished you picked truth," Jimin grumbled under his breath, locking his eyes with Taehyung and winking towards him. The younger of the two felt his heart speeding up, being thankful that Jeongguk picked dare, so that whatever Jimin had planned on asking wouldn't be happening.

"I dare you to sing a dirty song!" Jimin suddenly said, making the room cheer.

Jeongguk let out a small laugh and it was the first time his smile was shown that evening. "Okay euhm.." and then he began singing, in a way clearly no one expected him to sing.

No one, besides Taehyung, who grew up with Jeongguk singing him to sleep almost every night up until a year ago. He was surprised to hear Jeongguk still sounding the same, sending a wave of goosebumps over his skin, intensifying the nostalgia he was feeling inside.

Taehyung felt his body shivering as Jeongguk sung 'Pillow talk' by Zayn, a song everyone in the circle knew. Yes it is a dirty song, but young Taehyung and young Jeongguk used to blare out their lungs to this song with only ten years of age.

"You... can sing?" Hoseok's voice was the first thing that stroke through the silence once Jeongguk was done with his singing.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I sung in front of people."

He looked straight to Taehyung.

The blond felt his heartbeat speed up, but he looked away from Jeongguk, crossing his arms as if he wasn't affecting him at all. Oh, he definitely was though.

"Dude, how'd you learn that? Your voice is heavenly," BamBam dead panned, sipping on his cup of alcohol.

"I..." Hesitation was shown in his gestures, but still no nervousness. " I used to sing to someone from time to time."

Taehyung's heart jumped by that. Even more when the room began cheering, Hoseok whistling, BamBam and Yugyeom 'ooohh-ing' and the rest looking at Jeongguk expectantly.

"Someone special?" Jin mocked and Taehyung felt like cowering into a corner and not coming out. He couldn't look to Jeongguk, but he knows the ravenette was looking in his direction.

Up till now, this party was going much to Taehyung's favor and he was feeling comfortable. But Jeongguk has to ruin it, right?

"Euhm yes... next one." Jeongguk spun the bottle.

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