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And so Taehyung couldn't concentrate at all during Spanish. He didn't even care that Jeongguk was slaying through the lesson, getting praises from the teacher while Taehyung stayed quiet.

He wondered if Jeongguk sent that girl away because of him. The urge to ask him why he did it burned inside of him.
"Why did you send that girl away earlier?"

Jeongguk didn't avert his gaze from the front. "I did?"

"Yes? I saw you."

A smirk formed on the ravenette's lips. "You watched me?"

Taehyung felt his heart make a thud, before he furrowed his eyebrows to a small glare. "That's not it. Nevermind, forget it-

"Say what you want to say," the ravenette cut Taehyung off and the younger felt his breath hitch for no reason.

"Nothing... I was just wondering why you send her away, then called me to sit here."

"Because this is your seat."

Taehyung shrugged. "We don't have assigned seats."

"But this is your seat. You always sit here," Jeongguk retorted stubbornly.

"I can survive a day not sitting here, you know?"

"I don't care. I was waiting for you anyways."

Warmth ran through Taehyung. "Why?"

"No reason."

Squinting his eyes at the ravenette, Taehyung leaned back in his seat. "What do you want?"

The older just chuckled, not giving Taehyung an answer, frustrating the blond a little. He should've stayed quiet..

"I really can't talk to you," he huffed, crossing his arms annoyed, as he turned to look outside, just like always.

"You like looking outside of the window, that's why," Jeongguk suddenly said.

"Pardon?" Taehyung questioned, turning to the ravenette, his heart speeding up a little.

"The view," Jeongguk made a curt nod towards the trees outside, "I know you like looking at it."

Taehyung just stared at the ravenette, mind blank. But heart running miles. What is this stupid black haired boy doing to him all of a sudden?

"Oh, okay," Taehyung just responded, pretending to give his teacher all the attention, when it was actually on his quick heartbeat and unsteady breathing.

And Jeongguk.

No, no, no. This is exactly what he tries to avoid.

Taehyung hates Jeongguk.

And that's it.

"I'm giving you your exam results back now," the teacher's words caught Taehyung's attention now and he looked up.

Right, their exams. He wondered what he scored. Or what Jeongguk scored, knowing both of the two are the best in class and are always being compared to each other.

"I wonder who of us was better," Jeongguk mumbled and it irked Taehyung that he sounded so confident.

"Heads down, Jeon. Thinking you were better?"

Jeongguk smirked, crossing his arms on the table. "Yes, I do."

"We'll see," Taehyung grinned as the teacher came closer to their table, placing the boys' results on the table.

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