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Over the next three days everything started to change.

Although Taehyung tries to ignore Jeongguk as much as he can, he also wishes to see him as much as he can.

Although hearing his voice in class irked him, he also desired to listen to him however long he wanted.

Although seeing Jeongguk makes him feel this anger and resentment, it also makes him feel warm inside.

These are no good signs and Taehyung's been constantly cursing himself out for not being able to get the ravenette out of his mind. At some point he gave up, almost started crying in frustration even. Because. He. Couldn't. Stop. Thinking. About. Jeon Jeongguk.

And it wasn't just simply 'thinking', it was literal daydreaming. And it wasn't just simply 'daydreaming', but rather imagining cute scenarios about how it would be to be with Jeongguk.

Like, with him for real.

Taehyung blames the dream in the first place.

In the second place, he blames Yoongi and Jimin for being such a cute couple and forcing Jeongguk and Taehyung to hang out together at lunch.

Just like right now.

"I just realized something..." Jimin's voice cut through a short moment of silence. Taehyung, Yoongi and Jeongguk all averted their eyes to the small blond.

"What?" Taehyung questioned.

"Why do we say things are on fire, when actually fire is on.. things?" He mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows as if he was thinking hard, which he- judging by the following silence- really seemed to be.

Yoongi's chuckle stroke through said silence. "You're so cute."

Jimin blushed. "I have a point though, no?"

"Actually, you do," Jeongguk agreed and Taehyung hummed, agreeing too.

"I know," Jimin stated proudly, taking a sip of his apple juice, then offering it to yoongi, who shook his head a little, a small smile on his lips as he looked at his boyfriend next to him.

"We get it, you're in love, hyung," Jeongguk mocked, a smirk on his lips. Yoongi is someone who loves passively, but with Jimin, he was a full-on cutie, a marshmallow that melts by the only one smile of him. And he doesn't hide it.

Yoongi scoffed. "Jealous?"

Jimin and Taehyung made a short eye-contact, where they rolled their eyes. This bickering between Yoongi and Jeongguk can be entertaining, yet they always bicker. Taehyung doesn't know what kind of conversation they had that made it all a little tense so suddenly, Yoongi obviously being salty at something. He didn't care though.

"Why would I be jealous?" Jeongguk asked, calm, his voice rather quiet.

"Because I had the guts to ask him out and you don't have yours to even-

"Shut up!" Jeongguk hissed before Yoongi could finish his sentence. Suspiciously, Taehyung looked to Yoongi, who smirked at Jeongguk with a knowing look. Jeongguk's cheeks were in an embarrassing red, that Taehyung dreaded to find cute, but subconsciously he just did so.

And a sudden suffocating feeling churned inside of the blond. Is there... someone that Jeongguk likes?

Not that he cared, because why would he?

What's this sudden feeling and wave of sadness though?

Taehyung picked around in his food, trying once again to discard this unnecessary thought about Jeongguk.


It continued bothering him the whole day.

Their last class was Spanish again and Jimin decided to ditch after hearing they would get their exams back. That meant the seat next to Taehyung was empty. So when Taehyung entered the classroom and found Jeongguk sitting on Jimin's seat, he felt frustrated.

He has nothing against Jeongguk sitting there, he doesn't mind, actually sometimes likes it. And that's exactly the problem because he hates that he likes sitting with Jeongguk. You get him?

He just doesn't want to think about the ravenette like that.

Letting out a deep sigh, he started walking towards his seat, when a girl was quicker than him, walking past him and taking the seat next to the window.

Taehyung frowned, rolled his eyes and turned around to look out for a new seat-

"You can't sit here."

Jeongguk's sudden voice boomed through the room and Taehyung turned around, watching the scenario.

"Why not? I'm just sitting down," the girl spoke, her voice sweet. Taehyung couldn't estimate if it was faked, or true, but he could imagine either.

"That seat belongs to someone, please get up," Jeongguk spoke calmly and Taehyung felt surprised by the touch of annoyance his tone held.

"But we don't have assigned seats-

"I don't care. Get up."

The girl's facade fell. "Seriously? Don't play hard to get, Jeon," she scoffed. Taehyung almost pitied her.

Jeongguk chuckled deeply. "Get up."

Wait, wait- woah. What was the reason for Taehyung to stand here and watch the scenario with this sense of pride flaming up inside of him? And why was Jeongguk even doing that?

Maybe because he wants to sit alone.

So Taehyung turned back around to look for another seat.

"Aye Shortie."


Taehyung spun back around to look at the one who called him, next to him that girl from before, packing her stuff into her back with a scowl on her face.

"What?" He asked.

"Come here," Jeongguk called, voice unnecessarily cold.

With a roll of his eyes, Taehyung walked towards the table, hiding a smirk as the girl from before passed him. He didn't miss the glare she gave him, but he also couldn't care less.

"What is?" Taehyung asked once being in front of Jeongguk, his backpack strapped around one shoulder.

"Sit down here." His voice sounded different, a little softer.

Taehyung looked at his seat, then back to Jeongguk. "Next to you?"

Simply nodding, Jeongguk scooted closer to the table with his stool, to give Taehyung more space to get to the seat right next to the window.

"Okay," Taehyung mumbled and sat down, flustered.

It was quiet for a moment between the two. Since the teacher wasn't there yet, the other students in the class were pretty loud, but for Taehyung, it was all just faded background noises.

Did Jeongguk send that girl away for Taehyung to sit here?

Okay, obviously, yes.

But before Taehyung could even ask the ravenette for the reason or even dwell another thought on it, their teacher entered the room, the class falling silent.

Seems like he has to be a little patient.

He can manage that, nothing is ensured for his heart though.

another draft :))

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