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"Tae? Jeongguk is waiting downstairs for you."

"Yes mom, I'm almost done," Taehyung responded to the knocking of his mom against his door, putting on vaseline on his lips, before taking a last look at his whole appearance in the mirror.

He decided to put on the outfit Jimin had picked out for him earlier this day. He only lives once and it's his first ever date with Jeongguk. If he's overdressed, that's just how it is, though he feels really nervous about Jeongguk's reaction.

He decided to not dwell on that too much, telling himself that he is going to enjoy this evening with Jeongguk, there's nothing to be embarrassed of.

Being done with the last touch of make-up, he opened the door, meeting Hana.

Her eyes softened instantly. "Oh, honey.. you look gorgeous."

Smiling, Taehyung placed a kiss on his mother's forehead. "Inherited by the most beautiful woman on planet earth."

A chuckle left Hana, as she placed her hand on her son's shoulder. "Jeongguk is lucky to have you."

A smile, one that was softer as the other before, hit Taehyung's lips. "I think we're both pretty lucky."

Hana hummed. "He's waiting downstairs."

A small wave of nervousness hit the blond, but he suppressed it, finding no place for that today. "I'm going.."

"Have fun," whispered his mother, as she gave his shoulder a last squeeze and let her son go with a proud glint in her eyes.

Taehyung almost stumbled down the stairs, the excitement that made itself shown earlier bubbling even more inside him now.

When he reached downstairs though, he found the complete first floor empty and quiet. He looked around in search for Jeongguk, confusion sparking inside of him, combined with the now faltering excitement and the comeback of the earlier nervousness. "Gguk?"

The doorbell then cut through the silence and Taehyung flinched hardly, startled by the loud unexpected sound.

"Did he really lock himself out-" he mumbled to himself, amused, while aiming towards the door. His words were left stuck in his throat though, when he opened the entrance door and met the view outside.

In awe.

"Hey.." Jeongguk almost whispered, as he stood right in front of the door, a bouquet of roses in his hand. "Figured, it should feel like a real date, with me picking you up and all," he continued to tell, before his eyes had the time to take in all of Taehyung. His beauty was remarkable.

Taehyung smiled brightly, ignoring the embarrassing image of Jeongguk getting ready inside and then waiting outside all impatiently for Taehyung to open the door.

It's adorable and it made Taehyung just admire the older ravenette even more.

"Are they for me?" he pointed to the flowers, because for some reason it was the only thing that was able to leave his lips in this situation. As if this question's answer wasn't as obvious as the fact that Jeongguk was undeniably hot.

"I'm not sure," the ravenette spoke, pretending to examine the bouquet for any hints, making Taehyung giggle softly. "Is your name Kim Taehyung?"

"I'm afraid, it is," he spoke softly.

"Then yes, these are for you." Jeongguk finally handed him the bouquet, Taehyung's chest filling with warmth.

"Thank you so much, Gguk. They're beautiful."

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