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6 pm.

"Earth on Kim Taehyung, you there?" Jimin waved his hand in front of his best friend's face, who has been absently staring ahead the whole time, not really reacting to what was happening around him.

He was deep in thoughts about a certain raven haired, actually, he has been doing that this whole day. After Jeongguk left this morning, he immediately invited Jimin over because he had to inform him about what happened.

"Taehyung..." Jimin whined, rolling his eyes.

"G-Dragon's here-

"Where?" Taehyung's attention finally was caught and he turned to his best friend, a pout instantly forming on his lips in embarrassment when he realized GD wasn't actually here. "Sorry, I was in thoughts."

"I saw that," Jimin chuckled. "Is Jeongguk some fairytale prince, because he definitely enchanted you with that kiss."

A blush spread on Taehyung's cheeks. "I'm sorry, I just.. I can't believe this is real, I mean, we kissed? I kissed Jeongguk, it's..." Lost at words. That's how he has been feeling too. There were a million thoughts running through his mind, while the picture of Jeongguk's tall frame pushing him against the wall
and kissing him replayed like a broken record in his head.

"Remember a week ago, when you told me you wanna experience romance someday? And I told you that your someone might not be that far?" Jimin giggled and Taehyung remembered it clearly, gasping and pinching Jimin. "Don't bring that up! I'm not sure if this is even going to lead to something-

"Don't overthink it, babe. Things will work out the way they are supposed to. Don't force yourself into anything, but see what happens, how Jeongguk acts the next days."

A small sigh went past Taehyung's lips, a sudden wave of disappointment running through him. "I'm so weak... all this time I was trying my best to be better than him and said that I hate him millions of times and yet, now..."

Jimin smiled, his eyes glistening as he almost squeals. "Holy shit, you're falling for him!"

Taehyung's afraid he already has.

"I..." He was about to deny it. Again. Just like he always does, yet he couldn't find the strength too.

So he just shrugged, a loud squeal erupting from Jimin who threw himself into his best friend's lap, hugging him tightly. "That's brilliant. You two would make a cute couple!"

Taehyung blushed by that -once again- the imagination Jimin just gave him letting butterflies erupt inside of him. For some reason he pictured Jeongguk and him walking next to each other, holding hands, smiling towards each other while talking about something that made both of the laugh together. He shook his head in embarrassment.

"Isn't it strange? That things are suddenly turning this way?" He asked in a mumble, placing his chin on Jimin's shoulder. Up to last night he fought against his feelings, thought Jeongguk was the biggest asshole in the world for what he did and even believed the other was interested in girls. He did not expect him to take a liking in boys only, he had a girlfriend called Yoora two years ago, that Taehyung didn't like (not because of jealousy or something, but he could tell Jeongguk wasn't happy). It didn't hold for long anyways (two months and she was gone for some reason)- but the fact that Jeongguk likes boys turned the tables once again, unfolding a little hope inside of Taehyung's chest.

"It's not strange... we can't control our feelings. You couldn't know it will happen," Jimin responded reassuringly. "You two need to talk things out."

A shudder ran past Taehyung's back. "I'm sure we should." Oh, he knows they should. "Not until he apologizes and tells me why he left."

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