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It was a normal evening for Taehyung and his mother.

Besides the fact that Taehyung was unnecessarily stressing about what to wear for the birthday party of his best friend's boyfriend. "Mom~" he whined, "do you think this will look good?"

Hana stared at the top and pants combination Taehyung picked and raised an eyebrow, obviously judging her son's pick. "Let me take a look into your closet," she suggested, walking towards her son's closet, scanning it.

"Bub, you have such a pretty body, you can pull up with anything," she complimented, making Taehyung roll his eyes. "I just wanna look good, but it shouldn't be something too outgoing."

"Do you wanna impress someone?" Hana smirked, rummaging through Taehyung's clothes.

The blond blushed, thoughts instantly drifting towards a certain raven haired, that would come to pick him up in 20 minutes.

"N-no, it's not like that. This will be my first real party, you know?"

Hana just hummed, letting it slide, even though she actually was already thinking ahead. It was obvious Taehyung was trying to hide something... or someone.

"How about this..." Hana mumbled, pulling out tight black jeans with a hole on the left knee and a brownish, beige, silky button up. "You can tuck it into the pants, I think that'd look great."

Taehyung smiled, hugging his mother and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, thanks, thanks. I love you!"

Smiling too, Hana pushed him a little away. "You have only fifteen minutes left, honey. I'd speed up a little. Also what about a little concealer to cover up these dark circles?" She mumbled, brushing her thumb along Taehyung's eye bags.

The blond pulled away from his mother's hold. "Imma dress up now." He hushed her out of the room and closed the door, quickly putting the clothes she picked on, being so grateful to her, because he looked amazing. Then he put on a little concealer to cover up the dark circles Hana had mentioned earlier. He should really catch some more sleep in the next days.

Being about to brush his hair, the door ringed. Five minutes too early. His eyes widened and without a second thought, or even rethinking the first thought, he rushed out of his room downstairs, before-

"Jeongguk?"- before his mother opens the door.

Taehyung sighed, out of breath. He looked to the ravenette outside and then to his mom, who gave him a questioning look.

"Euhm, hi?" Jeongguk greeted awkwardly, not knowing what was going on.

A moment passed were Taehyung just stared at the older male in pure astonishment. It's no secret that Jeongguk can be considered one of the most hottest guys out there, but damn. His long hair was parted in the middle, soft curls hanging loosely, accompanied by a series of silver earrings, some with chains, some just loops. He was wearing a white hoodie, with tight black jeans, but Taehyung could see the outline of a black collar of a t-shirt underneath the hoodie. Knowing Jeongguk, he hates jackets, only wears hoodies if he feels cold. He already knows Jeongguk will look amazing this evening, once he puts off the hoodie and reveals his muscled arms. Jeongguk was a ten out of ten, unbeatable.

Wait what-

Clearing his throat, Taehyung awkwardly grabbed the present he had bought after school for Yoongi and passed his mother, internally face palming himself for the 360° scan he just did on Jeongguk.

"He... wanted to pick me up to the party.."

Hana smirked, crossing her arms over her chest, just like she always does when she scanned a situation and realized what is going on. "I see that."

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