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"Your parents are home?"

Jeongguk cursed lowly, pecking the blond's lips one last time before letting go of him to run to the door. He leaned his ear against the wooden frame, confirming that his parents are back home as he heard them talking.

"They can't know we're here," he whispered.

"What are we gonna do?" Taehyung got down from the table, his heart beating widely in his chest due to the arising panic, but also still due to the lingering feeling of Jeongguk's lips on his. Taehyung knew Jeongguk's parents didn't like him and he feared they would take Jeongguk away from him again if they see them together.

Jeongguk looked around the room, his eyes landing on the small window, big enough for a person to climb through. He sighed. "We can climb through that window?"

Taehyung turned around to spot the quadratic window there. Luckily the room was in the basement, so if they were to climb through that, they're instantly on the ground, so no need for jumping down floors. "Okay, I'll go and you go to your parents and pretend like you were working on your pottery-

"No, I'll come with you!" Jeongguk retorted, too quick, that it left Taehyung startled. He let it slide though, having no time to worry about why Jeongguk acted like this. "Oh. Okay.."

Jeongguk climbed on the table, careful to
not step on his clay stuff, then reached his hand out for Taehyung, who blushed as he took it and let Jeongguk help him up.

"Fuck, we need a screwdriver." Jeongguk never cared about this window, so he never noticed how it's getting opened or even if it's supposed to get opened. Apparently not, because there was a grid in front of it, screws on each corner.

"Cross or line?" Taehyung asked, looking around. Jeongguk examined the screws. "Line."

Taehyung's eyes lit up as he jumped down from the table again, to walk to one of the shelfs with Jeongguk's art supplies. And then he found the metallic ruler he had spotted earlier for some reason. Maybe his senses were prepared.

He climbed up the table again, showing the ruler to Jeongguk with a proud smile, that had the ravenette's heart melting. "I once watched a movie, where they used a thin metallic ruler to undo line screws-

"I know, we watched it together," Jeongguk reminded, which made Taehyung smile, then turn to the window. He used the end of the ruler to stick it into the line caved into the head of the screw and rotate it out of the hole.

Jeongguk smirked watching Taehyung work with a proud look.

And then, one after one, Taehyung removed all screws, a grin forming on his lips as he could remove the grid and then opened the window.

"You did it," Jeongguk smiled, his eyes - and Taehyung's too - widening as they heard steps coming from outside of the room.

"I could swear I heard something," Mrs Jeon's voice resonated, the boys panicked.

"Quick, climb through it," Jeongguk urged, as he grabbed Taehyung by his waist and lifted him up to reach the window and climb through it. Taehyung hated how easily he blushed by Jeongguk's simple touch, as he pulled himself through the window until he was on the grass in the backyard.

"Now you." The blond watched with a roaring heart how Jeongguk jumped up a little to reach the window, then pulled himself up. His eyes wandered from Jeongguk, to behind him to the door, suddenly feeling nervous as the steps seemed to get closer.

But you can count on Jeongguk, he climbed up smoothly, a height like this being no burden.

They heard the door handle rattling and Jeongguk was quick to pull Taehyung to the side, his back leaning against the wall next to the window, Taehyung in his arms, on his lap as his breath heaved a little.

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