Heavenly Body (NSFW)

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That is so unfair, Dean thought as he stood on the doorway and stared at the sight before him.

"Something wrong, Fair One?" Thor asked with a knowing grin on his face.

Dean's eyes drank in the sight of Thor as he stood by the window and absently examined Stormbreaker. He was shirtless, showing off the hard work he'd put into his physical fitness. He was bigger and more muscular than before- if that were even possible. His hair was removed from its ponytail and hung loosely on his broad shoulders. Dean's eyes followed the trail of his V-shaped body- from the powerful shoulders and chest all the way to the tapered waist.

If it were simply the fact that he looked incredible, Dean could have managed to go on resisting him. But there was one very crucial ingredient Thor had added to the mix that could utterly demolish his sense of control. His Achilles' Heel was being fully exploited and he could feel his willpower draining out of him.

Thor was wearing grey sweatpants. He helplessly devoured the sight of a very generous dick print and prayed that Thor didn't start moving. But then his prayers went unanswered as Thor began to strut toward him, all swagger and confidence. His cock swayed in the sweatpants and Dean struggled to tear his eyes away as Thor stopped in front of him and lifted the ax so that it was resting on his shoulder, allowing his bicep to pop. He rested his free hand on his hip. "Is something wrong?" He repeated with a proud smirk.

You know damn well, Dean thought as he attempted to gain some composure over himself. "Nothing's wrong."

Thor nodded slowly, a look of amused skepticism on his face. He absently reached down and stroked his cock through the revealing sweatpants and watched Dean's eyes track the movement. "Good. I would hate for you to be troubled, Fair One," he said before turning around and walking out of the bedroom area.

"Wait a minute," Dean sighed.

Thor stood still for a moment with his back to Dean. He grinned broadly, knowing he'd secured victory. He slowly turned around. "Yes, Fair One?"

"Okay, so maybe I just might have over-estimated myself a tiny bit," Dean admitted.

"Are you yielding, Fair One? Admitting defeat?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yes."

Thor set Stormbreaker down and slowly slid his fingers through the back of Dean's jockstrap. "I think I need to hear the words, Fair One."

"I yield."


"And I'm obsessed with your cock."

Thor leaned down and narrowed his eyes. "Good. I'm glad we were able to resolve this momentary bout of foolishness."

"I'm only yielding for your own good, you know," Dean said with in a nonchalant voice. "I know you were having a hard time resisting me. I thought I'd be charitable."

Thor gave a hearty laugh before taking Dean by the shoulders. "I don't believe you," he whispered. He licked his lips and then leaned down and kissed him. Dean sighed as he melted into Thor's kiss and knew he and Thor were well-aware of the truth of the matter. To be honest, submitting to Thor never failed to be delicious for him. He enjoyed Thor's dominant and powerful nature. The way he took charge. The way he made Dean his. In Dean's life there were so many spaces where he had to take charge; it always felt good to relinquish that and submit to such a forceful man as Thor.

"Is the door locked?" Dean gasped when Thor broke the kiss and began to suck on his neck.

"Yes," Thor growled. "No meddling raccoons tonight."

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