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Upon waking, Dean was greeted with yet another bout of nausea that sent him hurrying off to the bathroom. Thor stirred when Dean got out of bed and sat up just as he disappeared into the bathroom. He sat for just a few seconds, propped up on a pillow and watching as the morning sunlight lanced through the curtains. Then the sounds of Dean being sick roused him and he raced across the room and into the bathroom.

"I'm okay," Dean gasped before succumbing to his nausea again.

"Fair One," Thor worriedly said as he pulled a washcloth from the counter and quickly wet it. He knelt there beside Dean and gently laid the cool cloth on the back of his neck.

"I'm okay," Dean repeated as if he were trying to convince himself as well.

"You are not 'okay'," Thor sternly replied. "You are ill. Perhaps something you ate disagreed with you?"

The nausea subsided and Dean sat back as Thor began to wipe the wet cloth over his face. "No," he sighed. "I've been getting sick since we got home," he confessed.

"Fair One, why didn't you tell me? I could have summoned a doctor..."

"It's just a little nausea from re-entering the atmosphere," Dean reasoned. But even he wasn't buying it.

Thor shook his head. "No. You would have recovered from this long ago. I am getting a doctor to come and tend to you."

Dean sighed and nodded. He knew there was no deterring Thor, especially when it came to taking care of his loved ones. Especially after he'd lost so many.

As luck would have it, the nearest neighbor of the Allens happened to be a general practice physician named Francine Bloom. She'd known Dean's family since before he was born.

"It must be a little stomach bug," she said after she finished examining Dean.

Thor stood very close, observing everything with concern etched on his handsome face. "Is this a serious illness?" He asked.

Dr. Bloom smiled and turned to look up at him. "Not at all. I'm prescribing an antiemetic. That should keep him more comfortable." She then turned to Dean. "I want you to make sure you're getting plenty of fluids. We can't have Lumen dehydrating."

"I will make sure that he drinks," Thor declared.

Dr. Bloom smiled. "I'm leaving you with a prescription for Zofran. Take one tablet every 4-6 hours as needed for nausea. They're dissolvable."

After thanking and seeing Dr. Bloom off, Thor returned to Dean and gently lifted him up into his arms.

"I'm not an invalid," Dean chuckled.

"I know," Thor said as he carried Dean through the house and into the bedroom. He laid him down and covered him. "Rest. I'll be right back."

Thor bounded down the stairs just as Rosie was walking down the hall with the laundry basket. Thor swiftly lifted the basket from her arms and began to help her fold.

Rosie smiled. She would never get used to the idea of a figure from Norse mythology helping with mundane things like washing dishes or folding laundry. "How's Dean?" She asked.

"Dr. Bloom has diagnosed him with a stomach bug. He is to stay hydrated and rest."

Rosie giggled at how serious Thor could be about such things. She laid a hand on his forearm. "I'm so glad my son has you."

Thor beamed as he finished folding the towel in his hands. "I am the lucky one."

"Well, I hope Dean starts to feel better soon. Thanksgiving is only a few days away," Rosie sighed.

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