The Nursery

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"When Tony and I were putting Morgan's nursery together he messed the crib up so bad," Pepper laughed as she laid the tarps down on the floor of the large room that would be the baby's nursery. "And right before that he said," she cleared her throat and imitated Tony's voice. "'Pep, I'm a genius- I've got this.'"

Sue tied her hair back and secured it with a handkerchief before laying another tarp down. "Reed would have probably been the same way. Sometimes our boy geniuses are so smart their stupid."

As his pregnancy had progressed, Dean found it more of a challenge to control his empathic powers. But even without his powers being more sensitive than usual, there was an unmistakable note of sadness in Sue's voice that he detected as he was pouring the paint. After the Blip, all of Sue's family had been killed. She'd been the only survivor of the four of them. It was after this that she'd discovered she was pregnant with Franklin. The remaining survivors had rallied around her and ensured she wasn't alone in her pregnancy, but Dean knew it wasn't the same as having your partner at your side. He thought about how he would feel if Thor wasn't with him for the process and how hollow that would be.

"So we're looking at a July delivery," Sue went on as she looked over at Dean. "Summer baby."

Dean smiled at the renewed cheer in Sue and nodded.

"Be glad you aren't carrying around all the extra weight in the summer time," Pepper said. "I am still so envious that you don't have to worry about maternity clothes."

"Yeah, but he has to deal with the spawn of Thor," Kyle teased.

"Yeah, if this baby is even a fraction like Thor was growing up I'm going to be in trouble. Lavenda had told me so many stories, and most of them involve Thor setting something on fire."

After getting the brushes and rollers out, the four of them began the task of painting the room. Dean had decided on a soft green- sweet apple- and the nursery theme was forest. With Sue, Kyle and Pepper at his side, the task of painting went pretty smoothly and they were able to act on autopilot as they discussed the decorations.

"Well," Kyle said as he set his brush down and looked at their work. "The one coat guarantee stands. It looks good."

Thor appeared in the doorway and surveyed the room with a smile. "It looks good," he declared before announcing that lunch was ready.

The painting group followed Thor down into the kitchen where Reed, Tony and Steve were setting out boxes of pizza. New Asgard had just gotten its very own Blaze Pizza and it had proven to be a hit with the locals.

"Right, so we've got the meat lovers, veggie, and Dean's spicy monstrosity," Tony announced.

After everyone had eaten and the paint had dried, the task of putting the room together began. In no time, the nursery was complete. Dean stood back with the others and took it all in. The room had a bay window that was adorned with oatmeal colored curtains. The crib- built by Thor himself- stood just before the windows. Dean stared at it fondly and recalled how diligent Thor had been in the selection of wood, the carving and the assembly. It had been so important to him that his should be the hands that built what his child would sleep in. The bedding was decorated with baby forest animals, acorns and leaves; a mobile of baby foxes chasing each other hovered overhead. The changing table and dresser were arranged on either wall and the rocking chair Thor had selected sat off to the side of the crib. Steve and Kyle had placed a decal of forest trees and little animals on one of the walls.

"When you know a name I'll do some decoupage letters for you," Pepper said as she pointed at the blank space on the other wall.

Dean took a deep breath as Thor and his friends stood around. Keep it together, he thought even as tears stung his eyes. "It's perfect," he sighed.

"Let's give the parents-to-be a little space to take it all in," Steve said as he laced his fingers through Kyle's and walked to the door.

As everyone walked out, Dean approached the crib and rubbed a hand along it. "This is where our baby is going to sleep," he whispered.

Thor stood behind him and put a warm hand on his. He leaned down to kiss his neck. "How do you feel?"

"More calm. Now that it's all put together."

"We have everything except for clothes. And that will be simple enough. Now we just have the wedding, the honeymoon..."

"The birth," Dean said with a note of unease. "Lavenda said it's going to hurt."

"I'll be at your side the entire time," Thor declared. "I'm all things."

It came again, that fluttering sensation. Dean gasped and Thor immediately turned him so he could study his face for distress. "I'm fine. It's the baby. Kicking again."

Thor's concern blossomed into joy. "Show me."

Dean put his hands on Thor's cheeks and pulled him close so their foreheads were touching. Then, reaching into his emotions, he transferred them to Thor, connecting all three of them. The positive feedback loop of emotions overflowed, and Dean could sense something he hadn't felt before.

"Thor," Dean said as he opened his eyes and looked in his. "Thor I..."

"I feel it too," Thor said with alarm on his voice. He quickly lifted Dean into his arms, gathering him against his chest. "I'm taking you to Lavenda. Now."

As Thor hurried down the stairs and through the ground floor toward the door, the others jumped up from their seats in the den.

"Thor, what's up?" Tony called after them.

"I'm taking him to the midwife," Thor declared without sparing another word.

The others hurried after them, racing to catch up as Thor suddenly took flight and tore through the sky.

"Oh, please let the baby be okay!" Sue cried as she generated a disc of invisible energy beneath everyone's feet and lifted them into the air.

Thor landed gently despite his haste and barged into New Asgard's clinic where Lavenda had been summoned to meet them. She greeted them with a reassuring smile and activated the Soul Forge as soon as Thor laid Dean down on it and waited impatiently for answers.

The others arrived shortly afterward and hurried into the building and were greeted by a nurse who explained that Dean was being seen by Lavenda.

"So we...wait here?" Reed asked.

"Yeah. Let's wait until Thor comes out to tell us what's happening," Tony said before he began to pace back and forth.

The others either took a seat or paced the waiting room like Tony. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Thor emerged from the exam room.

"Well? What's going on?" Pepper asked.

"Is the baby okay?" Sue added.

"And Goosey?" Tony asked.

Thor took a deep breath, his expression one of slight bewilderment. "Dean is well. He is...shaken..."

"And the baby?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Perfectly healthy," Thor said. "Both of them are perfectly healthy."

A collective sigh of relief swept over everyone. Then Steve tilted his head in confusion. "Wait a minute. Both of them as in Dean and the baby or..."

Thor's bewilderment transcended into a dazedly happy grin. "I have fathered two children."

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