Wedding Talk

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"Okay," Pepper said as she accepted another glass of wine. "I need to know what you two have in mind for your wedding."

"Amen to that!" Laura Barton agreed. "Tell us everything."

Dean laughed as everyone waited impatiently for him and Thor to tell them what they'd planned so far. "Well," he said as he cast a playful eye on his mom. "We were thinking we'd just elope."

Rosie clutched her chest. "I sincerely hope you're joking, Thomas Dean Allen!"

Thor massaged Dean's shoulder. "Don't torment your mother, Fair One." He then turned to Rosie. "We will have a ceremony, rest assured."

Rosie relaxed at Thor's words and gave Dean a cautionary glare.

"So, it's going to be a spring wedding," Dean began. "We went back and forth about where we wanted to have the ceremony and reception and decided to have it where Avengers compound used to be."

After Thanos had destroyed the compound in the final battle, the Avengers had discussed what should be done with the land. Originally, they'd planned on a new compound being built. But then it was decided that the space needed to be honored with something beautiful- not another high-tech Avengers headquarters. Tony arranged for the entire property to be repaired and memorial was be built in honor of the heroes, living and dead, who'd fought to save humanity. Surrounding the memorial was a myriad of different types of gardens.

"Oh," Hope said as she clapped her hands together. "That's a perfect idea. The memorial and gardens are so beautiful. Have you gone and seen them in person?"

"We have only seen pictures," Thor said. "But we can't think of a better place to get married."

"Have you guys decided on your best men yet?" Tony asked in a pointed tone.

Thor and Dean grinned at each other. "This won't be a traditional Midgardian wedding," Thor explained. "It's going to be a mix of your traditions and mine."

"So no best man?" Tony asked in disappointment.

"We talked about it and decided that was a tradition we'd leave out," Dean said.

"Each of you is the best of men and women," Thor reasoned. "There is no need for bestowing a title."

Tony shrugged. "I don't know. I kind of think there is."

Pepper gently elbowed Tony's side. "Oh, shut up."

"It's for the best," Dean interjected. "I mean, how could we choose a best man out of all of you?"

Tony nodded and looked over at Bruce and Steve. "That's their way of saying it's me but they don't want to hurt your feelings."

"Yes, Tony. Whatever you say," Steve said with a mischievous grin.

Pepper waved a dismissive hand at Tony and, along with everyone else, continued to ask enthusiastic questions.

"What are the colors?" Sue asked.

"The flowers?" Laura added.

"Are you going to toss a bouquet?" Scott asked. "Please tell me you're doing that!"

"The colors are going to be light blue and peach," Dean explained as he opened up Pinterest and began to show everyone their wedding planning ideas.

"What's re the two of you wearing?" Hope asked.

Dean explained that he would be wearing a suit while Thor would wear traditional Asgardian clothes.

"Screw fashion. What I really need to know is whether or not there's going to be a bachelor party," Clint said.

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