'Twas the Night Before Christmas Pt. 2 (NSFW)

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No sooner had Kyle voiced his desire for Steve to go to bed with him did the super soldier crash his lips against his in a kiss that was afire with an aching need. Kyle moaned into the kiss, delighting in the flavor of Steve- a flavor he never thought he'd experience again. It ignited memories of earlier times together. Just thinking about what he was in for was enough to send him into full-body shudders as Steve carried him against his chest toward the bedroom.

"Need you naked," Kyle grunted, his lips just barely leaving Steve's as he began to tug at his shirt.

Steve smiled into the kiss and stopped walking. Kyle's feet returned to the floor and he reached into Steve's waist to untuck the shirt. Steve lifted his arms and Kyle devoured the sight of his smooth, hard upper body. His heart was hammering in his chest as he leaned into the bigger man and began to kiss along his exposed flesh. Steve finally relieved himself of the shirt and his arms were back around Kyle, who was hectically tugging at Steve's zipper.

"Hey," Steve gently whispered when he looked down to see that Kyle's hands were trembling. He took them in his larger ones and pulled them up to his lips. "We have all night, okay?"

Kyle nodded shakily and Steve reached down to open his pants up. Kyle tugged them down passed his thighs, kneeling so that he could remove them completely. After the pants were no longer an issue, Kyle remained kneeling in front of Steve, his eyes glued to the sight of his thick, naked legs. He reached out and rubbed his hands up them, feeling the fine dusting of light blond hair as he admired the power of his figure. His hands arrived at Steve's underwear- black, low-rise trunks- stopping at the perfect v cut of his abs.

Steve took deep breaths as he looked down at Kyle, staring at him as if he was the only thing in the world worth looking at. His lips released a soft moan as Kyle's fingers dipped into the waistband at the front of his underwear and began to pull it down. His cock, already throbbing, sprang upward upon being set free from the confines of fabric.

Kyle was eye-level with Steve's manhood, and even after having seen it before, he was still breathless at the sight. In his eyes, it was the perfect cock. Unblemished and thick from base to tip, it had a slight upward curve and ample length. Kyle had gasped the first time he'd seen it, and his reaction in that moment was just as awestruck. Knowing he couldn't possibly wait any longer, he reached for it, wrapping his fingers around the girth and delighting in how hard and hot it was. He looked up into Steve's eyes, never breaking contact as he took the head between his lips.

Steve watched as more and more of his cock slowly disappeared into Kyle's throat until his nose was pressed against the neatly-trimmed pubic hair. Kyle hummed and rocked against Steve, sending vibrations of pleasure through his dick in a way that made his knees feel weak. Then Kyle gagged and withdrew. A thin line of precum connected Steve's dick to Kyle's panting mouth and he smiled as he caught his breath.

"Kyle," Steve sighed, his hips jerking as Kyle continued to stroke him. He reached down and pulled the smaller man up to him. Then he undressed him, slowly and reverently. Kyle stood still, moving when it was helpful to do so as Steve removed his clothes until he was completely naked before him. "So beautiful," Steve whispered, his hands gliding up and down Kyle's waist. "I have to taste you."

Kyle gasped as Steve lifted him with so much ease and carried him into the bedroom. He gently deposited him on the bed and Kyle moved up to kiss him.

"Not there," Steve sighed against his lips.

Kyle looked at him, eyes wide with understanding as Steve reached down and drew his legs up so that his ass was open, exposed. "Steve," he panted, his mind delirious at the thought of what was about to happen even as the super soldier was spreading him open.

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