A Noticeable Absence

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"Dean just called me!" Rosie announced as she ran into the massive family room where the majority of the family and guests had congregated.

"Everybody outside," Sue called out.

"Remember, just because they can't see us doesn't mean they won't hear us," Jack explained to the kids. "So quiet as a mouse."

"Won't Dean, like, feel our emotions though?" One of the older kids asked.

Jack and Rosie looked at each other and shrugged. Sue flexed her mind and hid the rows of parked cars beneath an invisible veil. Then she did the same for the large group. Filled with anticipation, they chattered quietly among themselves until the sight of Dean and Thor's rental came into view in the distance.

"They're here!" One of the kids exclaimed before being shushed.

The SUV pulled off of the winding country road and slowly began to pull up the long driveway. They parked just in front of the garage and the group watched and waited for them to approach the house. Sue raised a hand and counted down with her fingers.

"It feels so good to be back," Dean sighed as he stepped out of the SUV and walked around it to meet Thor. He wrapped an arm around his waist and laid his head on his chest. "The air out here just hits differently."

Before Thor could say anything, a massive crowd suddenly appeared in front of them and shouted "SURPRISE!"

Dean's heart began to race as he looked at the large group of family and friends that stood before him. His eyes began to well with tears at the sight and suddenly everyone was around him and Thor. So many smiling faces and loving waves of emotion found him as he was surrounded by loved ones.

"Did you know about this?" Dean asked as he looked up at Thor.

The thunder god grinning from ear-to-ear and shook his head. "They told me nothing," he said, equally surprised by the fanfare.

"I'm so glad you're back on earth," Rosie sighed when she moved through the crowd and pulled Dean against her. She leaned back and touched his face. "I never thought I'd be saying those words to you."

Dean chuckled and kissed his mom's cheek. "Well, I'm back and I plan on staying for a long time."

Rosie inspected Dean's face and scowled. "Are you feeling alright? You look pale? Are you sick?"

"Rosie, let the boy breathe," Jack said as he put an arm around Thor's shoulder and squeezed.

Rosie sighed. "Well, I can't help myself."

"It's just the lack of sunlight all these months," Dean assured her. "I'm fine."

Dean's brothers and sisters were the next to approach while the others face them space. Thor watched the playful teasing among the siblings, happily joining in with them. He may have lost his own family through the years but he'd gained another. They loved him as one of their own, and for that he was truly grateful.

"It's good to see you again, Thor," Janet said as she gave him a hug.

Dean looked over at Thor and widened his eyes. When Janet moved away, Dean sidled up next to his fiancé. "You know you're in when she hugs you and tells you she's happy to see you," he whispered.

"How could anyone dislike me?" Thor asked with a cocky smile.

Once the family had finished greeting the couple, their teammates and friends closed in on them. Dean was overjoyed to see everyone, but there was one face missing from the crowd.

"Where's Wanda?" Dean asked.

The others shared troubled looks and Dean could sense their apprehension.

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